Friday, July 31, 2009

Unite; believe you are blessed and Hindu

Unite; believe you are blessed and Hindu
Bipin Balakrishnan

Thousands of names, idols and traditions
Still deep in heart your prayers are united
Your soul, convivial and purged of hatred
O’ tolerant being you are blessed and Hindu!

Your epics depict wars of truth and dharma
And define the meaning of earthly existence
Your Vedas guide with knowledge of ages
Illuminate gloomy souls of ignorant beings

My pen could never rest if on you I write
For there you stay in this globe’s history
But where are you? Lost in clueless world-
Of mortal beliefs and selling your heritage

Your glorified tolerance is now a weakness
And had paid enough to all those intruders
Have you not yet learned from those wounds?
Deep and bleeding; on your mother’s heart

They all had their fortune, your conquerors
Missionaries, comrades and now terrorists
And for few silver coins you sold your faith
When you could join hands and unite for good

But not anymore, if you can hear these lines
And feel your mother’s fading but sweet call
Chant those mantras that bond shivering hands
Unite and believe you are blessed and Hindu

Thursday, July 30, 2009

Cow Conservation, Propagation

Cow Conservation, Propagation

Journey of Conservation

Progress in Cow Protection

Our forefathers in the epic period loved and cared for cows like their own children. Cow was significant in offerings and exchanges during Yagas. A person’s wealth was measured with the number of cows he owned. In the form of taxes and honours paid to kings, cow was more important [...]


Unique Project

A Unique Project to Promote Amrita Mahal Cows

Amrith Mahal - Cow Breed

The project was formulated by the Kings of Mysore State.
The project has its best period during 1617 - 1704, when Chamaraja Vodeyar, Kantheerava Narasaraja Vodeyar, and Chikkadevaraya Vodeyar ruled the state.
The project was started for ‘Benne Chavadi’ cows, now [...]


Legal Protection

Provisions in Indian Constitution

The Prevention of Cruelty to Animals Act, 1960

The Performing Animals Rules, 1973
The Performing Animals (Registration) Rules, 2001
The Prevention of Cruelty To Draught And Pack Animals Rules, 1965
The Transport of Animals Rules, 1978
The Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (Slaughter House) Rules, 2001
The Experiments On Animals (Control And Supervision) Rules, 1968
The Wildlife Protection [...]


Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Climate change ideas

Climate change ideas

New Delhi, July 27: India should urgently study various ideas of geo-engineering proposed by the scientific community to counter the effects of climate change, former space department chairman K. Kasturirangan said today.
Research groups in the US and Europe have proposed a number of ideas, including injecting aerosols in the atmosphere, fertilising the oceans with iron, and erecting a sunshade to block sunlight falling on the earth.
“We need to study the implications of these ideas and understand the costs and the ethical aspects of some of these options on tropical countries,” Kasturirangan said.
The concepts involve gigantic engineering feats to either mop up carbon dioxide from the atmosphere or to check the rising temperatures. Aerosols injected high into the upper atmosphere, for instance, are intended to reduce the amount of sunlight. But the long-term effects of such ideas are not clear. Some studies have shown that aerosols can reduce the monsoon rainfall over India.
Kasturirangan said the three Indian science academies could set up a study group which could examine the geo-engineering options that have been tested or are still ideas on paper.
“Such a group could also do some limited, controlled experiments,” he said. Kasturirangan said the aim of the study would be to help India stay informed and prepared about likely consequences of such geo-engineering projects — should they become a reality.
“Global temperatures are rising faster than expected ... when things become urgent, there may be a sense of desperation and there may not be time available when to conduct such a study,” he said. Among the proposals under discussion are space mirrors and stimulation of white clouds to reflect sunlight.

Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Abode All Gods

Abode All Gods

Cow, the abode of all the Gods

Every atom in cow’s body is abode of the 33 crore Gods. All the 14 mythical worlds exist in the limbs of cow.

Cow, the abode of all the Gods

Cow, the abode of all the Gods

  • Brahma and Vishnu on the root of two horns
  • All the sacred reservoirs and Vedavyasa on the tips of the horns
  • Lord Shankara on the centre head
  • Parvathi on the edge of head
  • Kartikeya on the nose, Kambala and Ashwatara Devas on the nostrils
  • Ashwini Kumaras on the ears
  • Sun and Moon in the eyes
  • Vayu in dental range and Varuna on the tongue
  • Saraswathi in the sound of cow
  • Sandhya goddesses on the lips and Indra on the neck
  • Raksha Ganas on the hanging under the neck
  • Sadhya Devas in the heart
  • Dharma on the thigh
  • Gandharvas in the gap of hoofs, Pannaga at the tips, Apsaras on the sides
  • Eleven Rudras and Yama on the back, Ashtavasus in the crevices
  • Pitru Devas on the ides of umbilical joint, 12 Adityas on the stomach area
  • Soma on the tail, Sun rays on the hair, Ganga in its urine, Lakshmi and Yamuna in the dung, Saraswathi in milk, Narmada in curd, and Agni in ghee
  • 33 crore Gods in the hair
  • Prithwi in stomach, oceans in the udder, Kamadhenu in the whole body
  • Three Gunas in the root of the brows, Rishis in the pores of hair, and all the sacred lakes in the breathe.
  • Chandika on the lips and Prajapathi Brahma on the skin
  • Fragrant flowers on nostrils
  • Sadhya Devas on the arm-pit
  • Six parts of Vedas on the face, four Vedas on the feet, Yama on the top of the hoofs, Kubera and Garuda on the right, Yakshas on the left and Gandharvas inside
  • Khecharas in the fore of the foot, Narayana in intestine, mountains in the bones, Artha, Dharma, Kama and Moksha in the feet.
  • Four Vedas in the Hoom… sound

Monday, July 27, 2009

Cow related Researches

Cow related Researches

1. Cows Urine as an Antimicrobial Agent :

Kumari Namrata Y. Mahurker

Dessertation for MSc Microbiology 2006, Shri Shivaji Education Society / Amravti’s Science College, Nagpur

- Gram Negative, Gram Positive bacteria, Fungi were significantly inhibited by concentrated cows urine.

Some of the constituents of urine which is related for microbicidal properties

Halogenated Phenol - Antifungal.

2 Phenyl Phenol - Antimicrobial, Antiviral

Carbolic acid, Manganese - Antibacterial, Pesticidal

Aurum Oxide - Antimicrobial, Antitoxic.

2. Antigenotoxic| Ameliorative effect of Ark in human polymorphonuclear leukocytes :

Dr. Datta, S. Saravana Devi, K. Krishnamurthi, T.Chakravarthi.

National Environmental Engineering Research Institute, Nagpur.

The Ark and Redistilled ark is found to possess total antioxidant status of around 2.6mmol contributed mainly by volatile fatty acids (1500mg|litre). These fatty acids and other antioxidants might be responsible for the observed ameliorative effect. The chromosomal aberration caused by chemicals could be ameliorated by redistilled Ark (1,50,100ul) Antioxidant status in distillates-0.8mmol.Redistillate-2.6mmol.(ammonicalnitrogen- 15mg|litre).

3. Effect of Cow Urine on Wounds :

A.K. Maheshwari, A.K.Gupta, AK Das, College of Veterinary and Animal Sciences, G.B.Pant University of Agriculture and Technology, Pantnagar. 263145.

Cow Urine is having antiseptic properties. The urine implicated Wounds were found less infected and healing time is also less when compared to antiseptic cream. Administration of fresh urine orally has added effect on wound healing due to immunological properties.

4. Effect of cows urine on health :

Dr. Amita Gupta, College of Veterinary Science & Animal Husbandary, Mathura

Paper presented for MVSc in 2003.

5. Effect of Malanad Gidda Cows Urine :

BSc - Microbiology - Project Report 2005-2006, SRN Shetty memorial College,. Shimoga

Malanad Gidda cows urine is having antifungal activity. The metabolites of fungus during this process, is antimicrobial also. That is to say urine exerts direct action on fungus and indirectly on bacteria’s also.

6. Effect of Arka in various diseases :

Chandrashekhar Kundle, Bharat chauragade, Ajith Rawal, Nagpur

Paper presented in World Ayurveda Congress-2002.

Physical and Chemical composition of Urine and Arka and its effects on human beings is detailed.

7. Prevention of Pathogenic Free Radicals through Cow Urine :

A.K. Singh, P.K. Singh, L.K. Singhal, D.K.Agarwal, College of Veterinary and Animal Science, Pantnagar, IVRI Izatnagar

Free radicals are molecules, which have lost electron. These free radicals attack the nearest stable molecule and steal the electron. This is a chain reaction of destruction. They can attack enzymes, fat, proteins, etc and causes DNA to mutate.

The Oxygen Free radicals (Reactive oxygen species) are produced due to - Phagocytes, Mitochondria function, Inflammation, Heavy Exercise,Cigarettes,Smoking,Pollution, adiation, Chemicals, Drugs, Altered Ozone level, Moulds, Burned Meat.

They cause mutation of cells. This in turn may predispose for - Parkinson’s Disease, Alzhimor’s Disease, Cancer, Sclerosis, Stroke, Stress, Fibrosis, Cataract, Macular Degeneration, Aging

Cows’ urine prevents the free radicals formation.

8. Study of skin of Indigenous cows , Cross Bred cows and Exotic cows :

Dr. Govindayya, Dean, Veterinary college, Shimoga.

MVSc theses - 1974

The Sebaceous glands of Desi cows are bigger in size, shape and are in larger number. So that they produce more sebum.

9. Effect of Arka on chromosomal aberration :

Dipanwita Datta Submitted for MSC in Environment Science, Indira Gandhi Academy of Environmental Education Research, Jiwji university, Gwaliar (UP).

The Arka could protect mitomyncin C induced chromosomal aberration . The Arka has Volatile acids about 39mg/ltrs. These Volatile Acids are Antioxidants, which show the ameliorating effect on DNA and protect DNA damage.

10. Stage IV Oropharyngeal Carcinoma undergoes complete Regression due to cow urine theropy :

Dr. Satyashanker Varamudi, Kasaragod.

11. Anti Cancer properties of cow Urine :

K Darma, R.S. Chauhan L. Singhal, IVRI, Izatnagar

The cow Urine Therapy is suggested to poses potent Anti Cancer abilities. The following properties are in listed as responsible for Anti Cancer Results.

DNA repairing potential :

Cow urine efficiently repairs the damaged DNA. Damage of DNA by chemicals is the major cause for Cancer. This property reduces the spread of malignant cancers and helps fighting tumor.

Apoptosis inhibition :

Lymphocytes under go suicidal tendency due to chemicals. Lymphocytes are major cells, which fights against cancer cells. Cow urine reduces an apoptosis of Lymphocytes.

Antioxidant Property :

The volatile fatty acids show antioxidant properties which controls damage in DNA.

Antimicrobial Activity :

Many viruses are causing cancer. These microbes are killed by cow urine.

Bioenhancing Property :

Bioenhancing are substances which promote and augment the bioactivity or bioavailabilty or uptake of drugs. This will reduce the dosage & duration of antibiotic therepy and anticancer drugs like Taxol.Taxol is used in MCF-7 (breast cancer cells).

Anti free radicals :

The free radicals cause cell damage thereby inducing tumour cell growth or causes aging. Cows’ urine prevents free radicals.

Immounomodulating activity :

Cow Urine has vital potential to enhance the activity of macrophages. Lymphocytes (both T & B cells) humoral cellular immunity, cytokines (Interlukine 1 & 2).

12. Increase of Immunity through Cows Urine (various Parameters) :

  • B cell blastogenesis - 59.50%
  • T cell blastogenesis - 64.00%
  • Serum IgG level - 19.80%
  • Serum IgM level - 19.00%
  • Serum IgA level - 0.53%
  • Macrophage function - 104.00%
  • DTH reaction - 126.00%
  • Interlukin 1 level - 30.90%
  • Interlukin 2 level - 11.00%

On the basis of chemical fingerprinting of Urine of different animals like Indigenous, cross bred, exotic, buffaloe, it is shown that Indigenous cow’s urine is highly effective whereas it is almost nil in cross bred, exotic cows and buffaloes. The special constituent in Desicow’s urine is ‘Rasayan tatwa’ which is responsible for immune system and bioenhancer property.

13. Method of distinguishing Human & Bovine Milk samples based on soluble Phosphate content :

Sangeeta Mehta, C.S.Nautiyal

Sahiwal cows milk is closer to human mother’s milk because of its significantly lower soluble phosphate level when compared to H.F or Buffaloe.

14. Evaluation of Sedative and anticonvulsant activity of Unmadanashak Ghrita :

Girish S. Achilya, Sudhir Wadekar, A.K. Dorle, Nagpur University. Nagpur.

Paper presented in 9/10/2003.

Unmadanashak Ghrita is a Ayurvedic formulation containing Ferula Narthex, Gardenia Gummifera, Ellataria cardamom, Bacopa monneri, Cowsghee(76%) Unmadanashak Ghrita has CNS depressant and anticonvulsant activity.

15. Effect of cow urine fertilizer on quality of Pasture :

Aoyagi Noojiro et- at Gumma Ken Nogyo, Skikenjo Hokokku 1974.

The application of Urine resulted in a marked increase of grass growth and this did not effect soil quality.

16. The Urine of Sacred cows :

G. Paul Moore, 7.2.2006. Suny Upstate Medical University.Otolaryngology & Communication Science, Syracuse, New York.

I recall doing research about 25years ago. When I came across a recipe for a potion that had reportedly been used in India many years before for the treatment of Laryngitis. Among other ingredients it contained the urine of sacred cows. This seems to be quite potent ingredient that, to this day, is used for medicinal purposes in the treatment of anything from stomach ailment to cancer. It can be mixed with herbs or taken straight. And I also learned that it is imported from India for use as a biopesticide. A good friend of mine said, ” Everything old is new again”.

17. Bioactivities of Cow Urine and Arka in agriculture :

Central Institute of Medical & Aromatic Plants, Lucknow - 226015

Addition of cow’s urine in composting pits led to production of superior quality vermicompost with higher concentrations of major macro and micro nutrients. Such Vermicompost was found to be superior in terms of useful microflora(fungi, bacteria, actionmyces).

18. Development of Cow Urine based disinfectant - 13.11.2005 :

S.A.Mandavgane, A.K.Rambhal, N.K.Mude, Priyadrshini Institute of Engineering Technology, Nagpur-440019.

Herbal disinfectant :

Cow urine - 25ml

Neem extract - 37.5ml

Tulsi extract - 37.5ml

Ritha extract - 20ml

Pine oil - 10ml

This product is added to 1 liter of water. This can be used on any surface like walls, floors, tiles, bathrooms, and toilets. The cow urine has natural disinfectant and antiseptic qualities. The main constituent of cow urine that shows disinfectant activity is carbolic acid, which is a mixture of Phenol and Cresol.

19. Cow Urine has Anti Leishmania effect :

Sarman Singh, All India Institure of Medical Sciences- New Delhi.

Leishmaniasis (Kala azar) is a highly endemic disease in Indian Sub continent. The cow urine shows strong growth inhibitory action where as human urine found growth stimulator.

20. Comparision of Mineral Profile in Urine of Cross breed, Sahiwal and Non-descript cow :

GS Parihar, MKS Rajput, AK Upadhyay, M.Kumar, College of Veterinary Animal Science, Pantnagar.

Concentration of some mineral like Zinc, Iron, Magnesium, Potassium, Calcium were compared in the urine. Non descript cows showed maximum concentration of Zinc, Potassium, Calcium ,but Iron is lowest. Cross-breed cattle’s showed minimum concentration of Zinc, Potassium, Calcium, but Iron is highest. Sahiwal cows showed average concentrations.

This is to say that the concentration of minerals in urine of different breeds differs.

21. Effect of Panchagavya on E. coli in procured Milk :

A.Subramaniam, MD - CDCMPU. Pachapalayan, Coimbatore.

Panchagavya - Urine, Dung, Milk, Curds, Ghee and Sugarcane juice, Tender coconut water and Bananas mixed and kept for 21days.The result throws more light on the mechanic of selective destruction of E.coli in procured milk.

22. Conjugated Lineolic acid - anti a cancer compound in milk :

Dale Bauman, Professor of Animal Science, Cornell Reasearch Farm Dryden.

Conjugated Lineolic acid suppresses carcinogens and inhibits colon| prostate | ovary | breast cancers and leukemia. CLA even in extremely low concentrations (0.05/=) in milk inhibits carcinogens.

23. Effect of Cow Urine on Biochemical Parameters of white leghorn layers :

Nidhi Garg, Ashok Kumar, R.S.Chauhan, College of Veterinary & Animal Sciences. Pantnagar, IVRI, Izatnagar.

Cow Urine was given to the treated group at 1ml per bird :

Serum Protein - 14.71% increase

Serum Glucose - 37.81% increase

Serum Calcium - 28.85% increase

Serum cholesterol - 30.26% increase

24. Effect of cow urine an Lymphocyte Proliferation in developing stages of chicks :

P.Kumar, G.K. Singh, R.S.Chauhan, P.P.Singh, College of Veterinary and Animal Sceince. Pantnagar, IVRI Izatnagar.

Distilled cow urine at 10ml|litre of drinking water was given to the chicks from age 0 to 28 days. T-cell and B-cell blastogenesis assay was performed. Lymphocyte proliferation assay shows that there is T and B cells become functional with increasing efficacy from day of hatch.

25. Effect of cow Urine on the Production & quality Traits of Eggs :

Nidhi Garg, A.Kumar, R.S. Chauhan, L.K. Signhal, M. Lohani, IVRI, Izatnagar.

There is significant increase in egg production egg weight, shape index, albumin length, albumin index, yolk index, and shell thick-ness, shell weight. This can be used as feed additive to get good quality eggs.

26. Cow’s urine concoction :

A Traditional Herbal preparation commonly administered to convulsing children in Yoruba speaking people of Nigeria.

Paper presented in University of Ife, Nigeria.

27. A study of the effect of Ashtamangal Ghrit on Intelligence :

C.V. Gore, A.K. Dorle, Department of Psychology. Nagpur Univercity. Govigyan Anusandham Kendra Nagpur.

4 gms of Ashtamangal Ghrit was given every day for 4 months to the students. Academic performance and Intelligence test was performed. The result showed favorable effect on the intelligence of students.

28. Agnihotra - effect on air borne microorganisms :

Archana, Divya, Shalini,Suma, BSc Microbiology - Project Report, SRN Shetty Memorial College, Shimoga

The use of cowdung cake and cows pure ghee releases Formaldehyde, Ethylene oxide, Propylene Oxide, B-propiolactone, acetylene. These gases are ecofriendly and they purifies air.

There was 100% reduction in fungal count and 94% reduction in bacterial count. The Agnihotra ash can be used it seed treatment, soil treatment and human medicines also.

Sunday, July 26, 2009

An Intimate introduction of Cow

An Intimate introduction of Cow



For those of us who grew up in villages, mention of cow brings nostalgia. Our dawn was through the cowshed beside the house. Milking cows was a loving early morning ritual for the mothers. Mother would move to the shed with a shining pot, lovingly stroke the cow on its back, calling it with its favourite name. The milk that the cow spared for the household nourished the whole family, especially the children, even like it nurtured its own calf.

The cow is a moving temple, being abode of thirty three crore Gods of the Hindu pantheon. She has given sacred Panchagavya with immense medicinal value and is a moving hospital.

Cow is the mother of the universe (Gavo Vishwasya Matharaha). She helps in agriculture, transportation, food, medicine, industry, sports, religious functions, emotional stability, economy, etc. From time immemorial, cow has a special place in Indian society.

Saturday, July 25, 2009

Change in fertilizer subsidy policy can help India save crores, ensure food security - India Report

Change in fertilizer subsidy policy can help India save crores, ensure food security - India Report

New Delhi, India — Moving away from current Government subsidies on synthetic fertiliser that lead to poor soils and less food, and investing in ecological farming will have triple benefits: save public money, ensure food security under less rain and a changing climate, and reduce greenhouse gas emissions, says ‘Subsidising Food Crisis’ – a scientific report released by Greenpeace today.

The fertiliser report, a joint effort by scientists from Institute of Agriculture Visva Bharathy University, West Bengal, offers a scientific analysis linking the increasing fertiliser subsidies to yield stagnation in agriculture. In 2008/09 the Government of India had set aside an amount of 119,772 crore Rupees for synthetic fertiliser subsidies.

Releasing the report, Greenpeace India’s Sustainable Agriculture campaigner Gopikrishna said, “The irrational subsidy doled out by the government provokes the excessive usage of synthetic fertilisers leading to soil degradation, a major cause for yield stagnation”. He further opined that “The potential for a shift from synthetic to organic nitrogen fertilisers is real: India can save a substantial amount of taxpayers’ money along the way”.

The report points out that in Punjab, the state with highest use of synthetic fertilisers in India, data on the relationship between food grain production and fertiliser consumption from 1960 to 2003 show that in spite of consistent increment in N-P-K fertiliser consumption, grain yield has not only stagnated but also showed a declining trend with fertiliser application during the later period, 1992 to 2003. The average crop response to fertiliser use was around 25 kg of grain per kg of fertiliser during 1960s, the said value has reduced drastically to 8 kg/kg only during late 1990s. High use of chemical fertilisers is mostly also associated with high level of water consumption and micro-nutrient deficiency in soil leading to decline in water table and further deterioration of the soil.

’Subsidising Food Crisis’ for the first time calculates the greenhouse gas emissions from the synthetic nitrogen fertiliser, both by its manufacture and use. Synthetic nitrogen fertilisers contribute 6 percent of the India’s total greenhouse gas emissions, comparable to the road transport sector. A shift from synthetic nitrogen fertilisers to efficient and ecological fertilisers will reduce this contribution from 6 to 2 percent. “At a time when it is extremely urgent that the whole world fights climate change, the Government of India could save significant emissions by shifting subsidies to ecological farming. The good news is that this is also a proven way to make agriculture more resilient to upcoming climate change conditions, like less water and more unpredictable rains’, said Reyes Tirado, one of the authors and senior research scientist at the Greenpeace Research Laboratories in the University of Exeter in the UK.

Based on the report released 5 days prior to the first full budget by the new UPA government on July 6th Greenpeace India demands that the Government needs to:

1. Look into an alternate subsidy system that promotes ecological farming and use of organic soil amendments.

2. Shift the irrational subsidy policy for synthetic fertilisers to sustainable ecological practices in agriculture.

3. Re-focus scientific research on ecological alternatives, to identify agro-ecological practices that ensure future food security under a changing climate.

Notes to Editor

The report is authored by Dr B.C Roy and Dr G N Chattopadhyay of Visva Bharathy University and Dr Reyes Tirado, from Greenpeace Research laboratories at the University of Exeter. While Dr Roy, an agricultural economist, has years of experience in agricultural growth and poverty and water-food security, Dr Chattopadhyay is a Soil Science specialist with extensive experience in vermicomposting. Dr. Tirado, an agricultural ecologist, currently leads projects on how ecological farming and biodiversity can help mitigate and adapt food systems to upcoming climate change conditions.

Friday, July 24, 2009

Ayurvedic Concepts, Introduction to Ayurveda

Ayurvedic Concepts
Introduction to Ayurveda

Ayurveda (Science of life) is the traditional medicine and natural healing system of India and its cultural sphere. Its foundation comes from the Vedic Era, the primitive age around 5000 years ago. It is appropriate to say that it is the Mother of all Healing Systems. Ayurveda is one of the most comprehensive healing systems in the world, dealing integrally with body, mind and spirit. Ayurveda has classified the body system according to the theory of Tridosha to overcome all ailments by eliminating the basic cause.

The basic objective of Ayurveda is to educate people on how to take care of their health by themselves and increase their span of healthy life. One can achieve this goal by monitoring and balancing one’s nutritional diet and life style. Keeping good habits to heal and prevent illness and inadequacy of body functioning. This system is related to the soul, body & mind simultaneously. Psychosomatic theory recognizes that the mind can create illness in the body.

To Understand the Ayurvedic System, the following fundamental section must be understood in detail:

1. Five elements (Base of constitution of the universe).

2. Three doshas- their normal and abnormal stage.

3. Three types of doshas and their significance.

4. Diseases caused by individual doshas.

5. Application of treatment as per symptoms of doshas.

6. Pathya- Apathya (Precaution and care of diet) (Foods to be taken - Foods to be avoided)

7. Three types of vitalities and their relation with the human being and the basis of their healing treatment. These are known as qualities of mind (Satva-Rajas-Tamas) and should be considered.

8. Six tastes- Sweet, salty, bitter, sour, pungent and astringent. These become the cause of different diseases when aggravated.

Creation of Five Elements

The whole universe is made up of five essential elements- Building blocks that all life forms contain: Ether, air, fire, water and earth. We can easily see how life was created from the subtlest to the grossest matter. From eternity, the subtlest form of matter is ether. Ether mixing with eternity creates air, more observable or experiential element. As air moves, it eventually creates friction, which creates heat or fire. Heat produces moisture, thus creating water, the densest element; if one tries to walk through water, one is slowed by its density. Finally, water produces the densest form of matter, earth. Ayurveda says that all of the creations, including humans, are made up of the combination of all five elements. These elements are the subtlest aspects of human life, finer than the molecular, atomic, or subatomic levels. This is the level that Ayurveda healing works on. Focusing on the cause of the grosser levels of life, the denser aspects will be taken care of since they are made of these five elements. Just as a strong foundation supports a strong building, the five elements (the foundation of all matter) when strong and balanced in a person, they will automatically balance the more material levels. Thus, Ayurveda does not need to look at isolated parts of the human anatomy, or at the vitamin, chemical, or nutritional level of health. It simply balances the elements, and this balances the more physical levels.

A person diagnosed with a duodenal ulcer is an example of this balancing. Rather than creating a name for a symptom, Ayurveda identifies the illness as an excess of the fire elements. Acid is a by-product of heat. Ayurveda will look to see in what part of the patient’s life overheating occurs. It may be due to eating excessive fiery foods and spices like tomatoes and peppers. One’s career may be causing undue anger (i.e. hot temper). Perhaps the person drinks alcohol (fire water).

Once the cause is learned, suggestions for reducing a person’s excessive intake of fire are discussed. Simultaneously, the patient is advised to use more of the air and water elements to balance the heat with coolness (air cools heat, water puts out the fire).

Thus, the holistic approach of Ayurveda seeks the cause of an illness and restores balance, using the insight of the elemental creation of the universe.

Description of the Five Elements

1. Space- Sky- Akash (Ether): It is an omni present and all prevailing element, which serves as an abode (dominating or controlling) to all the other four elements and objects in the universe. It is due to space that one can separate or differentiate various objects and different parts of the objects. The same space exists in the body, which creates differentiation and division in the tissues of the body.

2. Air-Vayu: Air contains oxygen, which is a vital element for the existence of all living creatures. Wind is responsible for all the movement in nature. It is in the presence of oxygen in the air that fire can exhibit its action.

Wind, in the form of a storm, can cause the destruction of trees, crops, houses etc. The same term as “Vata” applies to the body, which acts in the body as commanding all activities and functions for its betterment and its abnormalities. The knowledge of these facts, helps in the treatment of disease.

3. Energy-Agni (Heat) (Pitta): The sun and fire are the main sources of energy in nature. The sun maintains equitable environmental temperature and light. These properties of the sun are essential and vital for survival of life. The sun’s heat is the source for ripening of plants, vegetables, fruits as well human body cells. It also causes evaporation of water, forming clouds which supply the water to the earth, mountains, hills and streams etc. These elements of nature constitute the life of human beings. The same heat is known as Agni or “Pitta” in Ayurveda. It has the role of chemical changes in the body helping digestion, forming various secretions and enzymes.

4. Water-Apa (Kapha): Water is found in the atmosphere, the sea, lakes, rivers etc. Water is the basic element for sustaining life. It has the cooling effect in the environment. It also feeds the plants, crops etc. The same element in Ayurveda is Kapha. It constitutes the various cells of the body and provides strength as well as life to human beings

5. Solid or Earth: This element itself is predominantly solid. It gives shelter and protection to human beings to work and move on the surface of earth. It is also a source of life and existence. The solid (Earth) maintains life and stability in the nature. The same element represents the development and stability of the body. All the solid elements in the body, such as the bones, teeth, etc. are of the Earth constitution. The Earth property is the base of the constitution of the body.


Parallel to the three qualities of mind in creation are the three doshas or constitutions in human body.

Vata, Pitta and Kapha are the three biological elements, which constitute the structural and fundamental units of all the living cells, tissues, organs and the body as a whole. The three doshas originate from five elements, i.e. the doshas are the basis of five elements.

Relation of the five elements with the three doshas:

1. Vata has relation with air.

2. Pitta has relation with Heat - Energy- Fire (Agni).

3. Kapha has the relation with liquid substances of nature i.e. Water (Earth)

4. Akash (Space) forms the space in the body and division in the various cells.

5. Earth forms the solid parts of the body.

Therefore, the doshas act in the body in accordance with the five elements that are the base of nature as well as Ayurvedic Theory of treatment.

The functioning and existence of the body entirely depends on Vata, Pitta, Kapha. To the three elements of constitution i.e. air, water and heat, the Sanskrit names have been given according to their significance (properties) i.e. Vata, Pitta and Kapha.

The name themselves show their properties and foundation:

Details of Doshas

Vata: - Vata or air means movement in the universe. Vata is responsible for all the movements. Vata molecules are light, minute, clear, rough and dry. They are always mobile and move in all directions. They quickly spread throughout the body. Vata is cold in nature and causes the diseases related to cold. Because of its minute nature, it cannot be visualized in any form in the body but its presence can be proved by its actions. It is the electricity, setting the organism into motion, marinating the equilibrium between Pitta and Kapha (inerts). It is the sole power to control all the movements of nerves, tissues, cells and systems.

Vata may be understood as nerve force, electro motor, physical activity or that which is responsible for motion. It controls the actions of the prefrontal lobe, motor cortex and spinal cord. It carries all the sensory impulses to their centers and also maintains the efficiency of the sense organs. Vata has five divisions or responsibilities in the body, which exist in the different parts of the body.

Pran is located in the head and governs the chest, throat, mind, heart, sense organs, intelligence, expectorating, sneezing, belching, inspiration, and swallowing of food—outward movement.

Udan resides in the chest and controls the nose, navel, throat, and is responsible for initiating speech, effort, enthusiasm, the capacity to work, complexion, and memory—upward movement.

Vyan is found in the heart and rapidly moves throughout the body. It regulates all body movements, including walking, raising and lowering of the body parts, and opening and closing the eyes.

Saman is located near the digestive fire. It works in the alimentary tract, and other abdominal organs. It holds food in the alimentary tract (absorbing nutrients and excreting wastes), helps digest foods, separates nutrients from waste, and eliminates the waste—equalized movement.

Apan is seated in the colon, and controls the waist, bladder, genitals, and thighs. Its main function is downward movement of wastes (feces, urine), reproductive fluid, menstrual fluid, and it also controls the downward movement of the fetus.

Pitta (Heat)

Pitta represents energy or heat (Calorie) in the body. Further, Pitta is the combination of energy (heat) and liquid. Heat is the active principle whereas liquid acts as a vehicle. Life on earth depends on energy derived from the Sun. Digestion entirely depends on Pitta (Agni). The process of digestion continues in the gastro-intestinal tract and in the tissues by means of various digestive and tissue enzymes (known as Pitta).

Character of Pitta

Pitta is hot, light, clear and viscous and has a penetrating power, mobile, pungent, sour and has strong foul smell. It tends to move upward and downward (on the principle of gravity). It increases heat and body temperature as well as appetite and thirst. It maintains the complexion, color and luster of skin. It renders the skin soft and thin. It also maintains the vision. Its main sites are digestive tract, body fluids, blood, sweat, skin, eyes and brain.

There are five types of Pitta in the body which exist in the different parts of the body

1. Pachak Pitta (digestive fire): - The gastro-intestinal tract is the seat of Pachak Pitta. The fire digests and transforms food, emulsifying food fats and separating absorbable nutrients from wastes, so they may be passed to lacteals by absorption (Food becoming partially digested in the stomach is called chyme. This chyme passes into the small intestine where it becomes digested by the pancreatic juice and bile. The usable byproduct is lymph and fatty matter, or chyle. The chyle moves through lacteals, or lymphatic vessels which carry chyle from small intestine to the thoracic duct. From the thoracic duct, the chyle is sent into the blood). Pachaka (digestive enzymes), through digestion, automatically nourishes the other four Pittas.

2. Ranjak Pitta: - The main sites of this Pitta are the liver, spleen, stomach and small intestines. It is represented by the bile, enzymes and bone marrow. Its function is synthesis of hemoglobin and imparting red color to the blood.

3. Sodhaka Pitta: - The brain is the main site of Shodak Pitta. It is represented by the cellular enzymes of nerve cells. It helps in performing mental function such as knowledge, intelligence and consciousness by maintaining rhythmic and cardiac contractions.

4. Alochak Pitta: - It exists in the eyes. It is represented by the enzymes in the rode and cones in the retina. It functions in perception of light.

5. Bhrajak Pitta: - The skin is the main site of this Pitta. It keeps the skin warm and is responsible for its normal complexion and luster by keeping secretions from the sweat and sebaceous glands of the skin active.


The Biological element of Kapha is derived from the two basic physical elements namely earth and water. Kapha molecules are heavy, stable, smooth, soft, viscous, shiny and moist, white in color and predominantly have a sweet and slightly salty taste. Kapha constitutes the main body mass and is responsible for the shape and form of the body. Kapha fills the intercellular spaces of the body as connective tissues including mucus, synovial fluids and tendons. All the cells, tissues and organs of the body are predominantly composed of Kapha elements.

The biological combination of solid and liquids in varying proportions is responsible for the varying structure and composition of various tissues like body fluids (Rasa), semen, blood, muscle, fat, bone marrow and brain.

The fluid component of Kapha is responsible for the maintenance and formation of body fluids. Because of its heavy and stable qualities, it is responsible for strength stability and firmness of body and mind. Because of its oily nature, it prevents friction between the two parts of the body. In muscles, it gives strength to the body. In fact, it gives shape (form) to it. In the semen, it is responsible for fertility. The brain and nerves tissues predominantly contain Kapha molecules. Kapha of inferior quality in the brain produces a stab of ignorance, delusion, laziness and jealousy.

Five sites of Kapha in body:

1. Kledak :- It is present in the stomach and intestines up to the colon. It is the mucus secretion in the gastro intestinal tract. It dilutes the food taken, and also helps the digestion and supports the Kapha elements to work properly throughout the body.

2. Avalambak :- It is present in the chest. It constitutes the myocardial and Alveoli (Lungs tissue), plensal and pericardial fluids. It supports and gives strength to the heart, lungs and bone cage of the body.

3. Bodhak :- Present in the oral cavity and throat, represented by saliva. It helps to appreciate taste by the tongue. It also helps to moisten the food for easy ingestion and digestion.

4. Tarpak Kapha :- Situated in the cranial cavity and is represented by Kapha molecule of brain, cerebrospinal fluids. It supports the nutrition of brain and nourishes the sense organs.

5. Shleshak Kapha: - Known as sinovial fluid in the joints. It provides nutrition to the ends of the bones and its presence prevents friction during joint movements and, particularly supports to constitute and strength to the body.

Vayu/Pitta, Vayu/Kapha, Pitta/Kapha, and a combination of all three (tridosha). Although finding the cause of an illness is still a mystery to modern science, it was and continues to be the main goal of Ayurveda. Six stages of the development of disease were known, including aggravation, accumulation, overflow, relocation, a buildup in a new site, and manifestation into the recognizable disease. Modern equipment and diagnosis can only detect a disease during the fifth and sixth stages of illness. Ayurvedic physicians can recognize an illness in the making before it creates more serious imbalances in the body. Health is seen as a balance of the biological humors, whereas disease is an imbalance of the humors. Ayurveda creates balance by supplying deficient humors and reducing the excess ones. Surgery is seen as a last resort. Modern medicine is just beginning to realize the need to supply rather than to remove, but still does not know how or what to supply.

Additionally, there are over 2,000 medicinal plants classified in India’s materia medica. A unique therapy, known as pancha karma (five actions), completely removes toxins from the body. This method reverses the disease path from its manifestation stage, back into the blood stream, and eventually into the gastrointestinal tract (the original site of the disease). It is achieved through special diets, oil massage, and steam therapy. At the completion of these therapies, special forms of emesis (vomiting), purgation, and enemas remove excesses from their sites of origin. Finally, Ayurveda rejuvenates—rebuilding the body’s cells and tissues after toxins are removed.

Significance of Doshas

Disease is caused by imbalancing of the doshas. For example, if a Pitta dosha eats much ginger, it will create excess fire in the digestive system (body). This results in Pitta disorders like acid indigestion. Disease may be caused by deficient, improper or excess contact with seasons ( e.g., excess cold in winter), sensory objects (e.g., excessive light/sound), and activities (e.g., over exercise).


The following symptoms show the causes of Vata and significance (existence) in the body:

1. Joints and Muscles: Pain all over the body or in individual parts i.e. joints-muscles-nerves etc. (Arthritis).

2. Muscles :- Myalgia, muscular pain, tenderness in the muscles.

3. Nerves- Neuralgia- Other stages of Vata disease- hemiplagia, facial paralysis, trigerminal, neuralgia, neurotic pain in any part of the body—other diseases of the nervous system

4. Convulsions, hysteria –epilepsy –spasm, tremors—stiffness

5. Abdominal pain:-Accumulation of wind in the digestive tract.

6. Renal colic., colic pain

7. Pain in the joints – Pain in the chest, pain in the back


we are a professionally managed organization engaged in the production and marketing of quality and authentic Ayurvedic medicines and other herbal preparations.We have qualified Ayurvedic Doctors in our panel to examine, evaluate and study the efficacy of each of the Ayurvedic preparations that are sold by us.

Every product is evaluated as per its ingredients and the ratio of each of the constituents and their effects on the human body. Hundreds of these medicines preparations are available in our ready stock.

We have qualified Ayurvedic Doctors to examine patients, diagnose the type of physical or mental ailments and to prescribe appropriate Ayurvedic medicines.

Thursday, July 23, 2009

Feeding a food crisis

Feeding a food crisis

India — "In the context of the nation’s food security, the declining response of agricultural productivity to increased fertiliser usage in the country is a matter of concern… " emphasised Pranab Mukherjee, Finance Minister, as the Budget session came to a close a few days back. The truth is finally out of the proverbial horse’s mouth, and I am glad to know that the Government is at least trying to address the issue. But, I couldn’t agree with the proposed solution in at least in its present format.

There is mounting evidence pointing to the fact that despite increasing chemical fertiliser inputs, food productivity in India is plateauing, even declining. The much touted Green Revolution, which was introduced in India in the sixties and emphasised heavily on the use of synthetic fertilisers and chemical pesticides is now being openly criticised and questioned severely.

The introduction of synthetic fertilisers and fertiliser responsive varieties along with irrigation in the sixties as part of Green revolution package did help in a jump in production initially. But over the years, productivity has declined drastically, and this in spite of adding greater amounts of fertilisers. Not to mention the heavy socio-economic and ecological cost it has come with. And worst still, in a travesty of sorts, it has resulted in a primarily agrarian society like ours to lean towards a food crisis.

According to a recent report by Greenpeace, Subsidising Food Crisis, as a result of the Green Revolution, the consumption of synthetic fertilisers jumped from a mere 0.07 million tonnes (Mt) in 1950-51 to a staggering 23.15 Mt in the year 2008-09. So every square inch of diminishing agricultural land is bombarded with greater and greater amounts of synthetic fertilisers, with the expectation of improbable magical results.

The amount of subsidy outgo on synthetic N-P-K fertilisers (domestic and imported) in India during the last three decades has grown exponentially from a mere
Rs. 60 crores during 1976-77 to an astronomical Rs. 96,606 crores during 2008-09. Mind you, these not-so-humble costs are being squeezed out of the unconscious tax payer’s pocket. The subsidy system was skewed in favour of synthetic nitrogen fertiliser, distorting completely the way fertilisers were used. Consequently, synthetic nitrogen, which is highly subsidised was naturally used in much larger amounts as compared to other nutrients. Going by the study, the subsidy alone can be blamed for the overuse of nitrogen fertilisers. Given the fact that the benefit of fertiliser subsidies tilts very disproportionately in favour of relatively richer irrigated regions than the poorer, mostly rain-fed regions, I am not sure who gains from this entirely expensive affair. Definitely not the average farmer it was intended for. But it’s crystal clear that the farmers and consumers (aka. tax payers) stand to lose, monetarily and otherwise.

This over dependence on chemical fertilisers has steadily destroyed the soil health, reducing soil organic matter both in quality and quantity thereby lowering the soil’s ability to ensure yields. It’s living soil that we’re talking about, and we’re systematically killing this living entity and along with it all the living organisms such as microbes that keep it alive, naturally. Moreover, the colossal amounts of water requirement coinciding with chemical fertiliser application have led to a decline in the water table, posing threat to agricultural production. Punjab, perhaps the most fertile region in the country, and the birthplace of the Green Revolution itself, is a standing example of the subsidy system gone wrong. Soil degradation has gradually led from reduced productivity to plateauing of crop production (from 25 kg. per kilogramme of fertiliser input in 1960s to eight kg/kg of fertilisers during late 1990s.

Putting it mildly, the situation is grim. And in response, this is what Pranab Mukherjee has to say… “To ensure balanced application of fertilisers, the Government intends to move towards a nutrient based subsidy regime instead of the current product pricing regime. It will lead to availability of innovative fertiliser products in the market at reasonable prices. This unshackling of the fertiliser manufacturing sector is expected to attract fresh investments in this sector.

That’s no better than jumping between the devil and the deep blue sea. It’s absurd to even think that a solution to the mess we have created lies in shifting to new fertilisers. It’s not about a balanced N-P-K usage anymore. The system is flawed. It hasn’t and will not work. Clearly, that’s a tried, tested, and completely failed method, which is obsolete and needs to be done away with. As the report emphasizes, we need a paradigm shift in the way we practice agriculture. We need to revive the soil, not maim it with a new set of toxins.

If feeding a food crisis wasn’t bad enough, both the manufacture and consumption of nitrogen directly adds to the carbon levels, adding fuel to an already hotting world, and significantly! That’s about 100 Mt of CO2-eq per annum. And then of course, there’s the question of using it haphazardly. Using it appropriately or efficiently (depending on the time around cultivation when it would be most effective) would also reduce the unnecessary addition of greenhouse gases to the atmosphere. All this, even when there are sustainable options, which are cheaper and eco-friendly. The ecological farming models, which makes use recycled organic wastes in the form of composts and simple practices such as crop rotation, planting leguminous plants for natural nitrogen fixation, will not only promise a stable (if not increasing) yield, but also lower GHG emissions from this sector to a significantly lower, and much desired 36 Mt of CO2-eq per annum. That would lower the nation’s emissions from six to two per cent. It’s culpable. Moreover eco-farming can bring lot of employment opportunities in the rural sector.

Imperative, especially at this point in time is a shift in fertiliser subsidies to a more sustainable form of agriculture. If we want to secure our food security, and I imagine we do, we need a complete volte-face, nothing short of it.
— Shivani Shah

Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Climate Change = Water Crisis

Greenpeace activists queue up outside RBI to deposit water.
Delhi, India — 25 Greenpeace activists queued up outside the Reserve Bank of India to deposit 100’s of pots of water for safe keeping to highlight the issue of the growing water crisis fuelled by climate change. The activists unfurled a banner with a message “Climate Change = water crisis” right out side the RBI main gate.

"Our government’s response to the preparation required to address climate change stinks. At the rate the Gangotri is melting, it will soon vanish and dilli wallhs will soon have to take turns to bathe", said Nitin, Greenpeace campaigner tongue firmly in cheek. Delhi has received almost 60% less than the predicted rainfall this season. Uttar Pradesh, Punjab, Haryana, Himachal Pradesh, Uttarakhand, Gujarat, and Chhattisgarh are not to far behind.

The Indian monsoon which is the lifeline of the subcontinent will be significantly affected by climate change, according to a Greenpeace paper titled ‘Monsoon Wager: Climate change and the Indian Monsoon’ (1). Stability and predictability of the monsoons are critical to India’s economy society and ecology including our agriculture and food supply chain. Changes in the monsoon will have far reaching social and economic impacts.

The lives of millions of Indians, farmers, city dwellers, depend on the monsoon. Delhi has been at the receiving end of changing weather patterns with summers becoming hotter every year and monsoons very erratic and unpredictable. "The time has come for ordinary citizens to step forward and lead the war against the climate crisis. If our governments don’t take immediate steps to tackle climate change, we will live to see the day when water will have to be deposited in the banks for safety" Said Nishant, a volunteer with Greenpeace.

Greenpeace has launched a campaign called "Greenidol" across the country to engage with people and get them to sign a petition demanding a Renewable Energy Law. Since the 4th of June more than 35000 people have signed on. Greenpeace along with citizens will be presenting these petitions to the Prime Minister of India demanding for an ambitious central Renewable Energy Law in the country.

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

It’s about survival. Hillary, Barack, Stop Global Warming!

New Delhi, India — School children, joined Greenpeace activists to tell Hillary Clinton, US Secretary of State, before she left India, that mere talk isn’t enough to avert a climate catastrophe. With photographs and messages from children, women and men from Aila hit Sunderbans, the children demanded that Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama be leaders and ensure that the irreparable damage that climate change would wreck on the environment and people was avoided.

“The US is one of the biggest culprits contributing to global warming, which has led to an increase in the intensity of disasters including the cyclone in Sunderbans leading to a humanitarian crisis there. Why should the vulnerable pay the price for this crisis to which they have contributed little? Its time the culprits started taking responsibility for their actions and it has to start from the US.” said Siddharth Pathak, climate campaigner, Greenpeace.

The election of Barack Obama had raised lots of hope to get real leadership on climate. 5 months ahead of the UN-climate conference in Copenhagen, meant to be the most crucial to get a good decision on addressing the danger of climate change, there has hardly been any leadership from Obama. “We need strong actions globally to avert this crisis and these actions need to start from the industrialized countries. Contrary to the imperative, the US has repeatedly failed to come up with strong domestic mitigation actions and is silent on the financial support for developing countries to help the most vulnerable peoples adapt to the impacts of global warming.” said Pathak.

In the meantime, the impacts of climate change on various countries have been devastating. Cyclone Aila has left lakhs homeless and dependent on relief materials. With agricultural fields ruined by salt water ingress there is likely to be a shortage of locally grown food in the affected areas, and a loss of livelihood. Delayed and insufficient monsoons have worsened the situation in the monocrop agriculture region. Thousands of people from this region have already sought refuge in Kolkata in search of food and employment, with many thousand more climate migrants likely.

“Sunderbans is just one example. Barack and Hillary should look at the Sunderbans and start taking immediate steps to curb the effects of climate change.” He added.

The Indian Prime Minister, Dr. Manmohan Singh, demonstrated leadership at the G8 summit in Italy earlier this month by showing solidarity to limit global temperature rise below 2 degress Celsius. For fulfilling the commitment of limiting global warming, industrialized countries need to start reducing emissions domestically and ensure they provide financial and technological support to countries like India where vulnerable people are suffering from the impacts of climate change.

Monday, July 20, 2009

Climate Change

Climate Change

Climate change has caused dramatic glacial retreat. This is Rongbuk glacier in Tibet in 2007.The photo held by our Greenpeace staff is of the same glacier taken in 1968.

Climate change is happening.

Because of man-made greenhouse gas emissions the earth is dangerously warming up. Most greenhouse gas pollution comes from burning fossil fuels such as coal to make electricity.

If we do nothing to stop it, climate change will cause severe water shortages, rising sea levels will swallow cities, and pest outbreaks will sicken people and kill crops.

One of the early signs we are already experiencing is an increase in extreme weather events such as destructive storms, drought and floods.

Climate change is already killing more than 150,000 people every year from disease and extreme weather.
(World Health Organisation
estimation for deaths in 2000).

China’s rapid economic development has lifted millions out of poverty but has come at a huge environmental cost.

An explosive number of factories, coal-fired power stations and massive construction projects have made China, along with the US, the world’s top greenhouse gas emitter.

And with a population of more than 1.3 billion, China faces very real threats from climate change.

Millions will go thirsty:

About 80 percent of the Himalayan glaciers which feed China’s rivers will disappear in 30 years.

Millions will go hungry:

By 2030 some scientists believe the country won’t be able to grow enough food to feed its own people.

Millions will suffer from disasters:

Extreme weather events such as storms, droughts and floods will become common and threaten lives across the country.

Greenpeace is the leading non-governmental organisation in China pushing for stronger policies to fight climate change.

We are lobbying for China to play a strong leadership role in critical United Nations negotiations in Copenhagen in December 2009.

We are urging the country to move away from coal.

And we are working with scientists to map out a feasible plan that China can follow to massively boost its renewable energy sector.

Saturday, July 18, 2009

Paradise Forests

Paradise Forests

Only 20 percent of the world's ancient forests remain in large, intact tracts. Some of the ancient forests under greatest threat are the ‘Paradise Forests’.
This wonderfully diverse region supports hundreds of indigenous cultures and creatures found nowhere else in the world. The island of New Guinea, the world’s second biggest island, has the largest continuous tracts of ancient forest in the Asia Pacific region. The island is divided into two regions: the Indonesian territory of Papua in the west and the nation of Papua New Guinea in the east.

The Paradise Forests consist of tropical rainforests, mangrove, coastal and swamp forests. Monsoon and deciduous forests flourish in the drier and more mountainous regions. They shelter an amazingly rich number of plant and animal species, many of which occur nowhere else on earth. The Orang Utan, Sumatran Tiger and the world's largest flower, the one metre wide rafflesia all call the Paradise Forests home.

People also live in the Paradise Forests. Their deep connection to the forest for their cultural, spiritual and physical wellbeing has been unbroken for thousands of years. The diversity of these cultures is extraordinary. More than 1000 languages are spoken on the island of New Guinea alone. That is around one sixth of all the living languages on Earth today.

Friday, July 17, 2009

The Cow Story

The Cow Story
The cow story began in Zurich in 1998. The Zurich Retail Association used their local Brown Swiss cow (a traditional milking cow in Switzerland) as a model for a life-size fiberglass cow. The plain white, life-size, fiberglass cow had 3 poses: grazing, standing and sitting. Initially, local Zurich artists painted 300 of these fiberglass cows. But, before the event ended Zurich artists had decorated 812 cows!!! They were displayed along streets, in buildings, in parks, in the airline terminal and train station. The cows lured an additional 1.5 million tourists to Zurich. A Chicago businessman who was in Zurich, saw the cows, and brought the idea to Chicago.
Cows on Parade was in Chicago for Summer 1999. Chicago�s Department of Cultural Affairs solicited local artists to paint a cow. A sponsor paid for each �naked� cow. Nothing could be removed from a cow, but an artist could add to it. There were 313 cows that grazed throughout Chicago from June 15 to October 31, 1999. An auction held in November 1999 netted $4 million for the Department of Cultural Affairs with �HANDsome� getting the highest bid of $110,000.
Cow Parade began in NYC on June 15, 2000. It featured more than 500 cows, which were displayed throughout NYC, Stamford, CT and W. Orange, NJ. This was the first public art exhibit encompassing all 5 boroughs. NYC Department of Parks & Recreation organized it. When the cows were sold at auction later that year, they raised several million dollars for charity.
Westland Giftware created a �medium� reproduction of these cows. It is about 6� long, 4� high depending on its pose and �add-ons.�Westland�s first shipment was made September 2000 with 12 Chicago cows. In October Westland shipped 6 NYC reproductions. CowsCowsCows first saw the Westland cow reproductions at the LA Gift Show in July 2000. We loved them, ordered them and had our web site up and running by October 2000. We were the first and only Internet business selling Cow Parade in 2000. We�ve been involved since the start.
Other vendors also produced Cow Parade items. Character Collectibles offered 85 miniatures, 85 ornaments and a wide assortment of other Cow Parade items. The most popular miniature cow made was the Twin Cowers set. In December 2003 Character Collectibles discontinued all of their Cow Parade items.
Since 1999 the Cow Parade has visited many towns.
2001: Kansas City, Houston. Australia (from one coast to the other)
2002: Portland, Oregon, London, Ventspils, Latvia, Las Vegas, San Antonio
2003: Auckland, New Zealand, Atlanta, Brussels, Belgium, Isle of Man, Dublin, Ireland, W Hartford, CT
2004: Tokyo, Harrisburg, PA, Manchester, England, Stockholm, Sweden, Monaco, Prague
2005: Bucharest, Barcelona, South Africa, Warsaw, Mexico City
2006: Boston, Denver, Edinburgh, Lisbon, Madison Wisconsin
2007: Copenhagen, Milan, Marseille, Istanbul, Vigo, West Hartford, Rio de Janeiro
In each city the artists have an opportunity to design a cow and have their talent seen, the public has an opportunity to view and enjoy the art, the sponsors have an opportunity to lure the public to their business, and charities make a profit when the cows are sold at auction. Due to this win-win situation the Cow Parade has benefited many cities and charities. Dublin was excited when at their auction, Waga-Moo-Moo (made with 125,000 pieces of Waterford crystal) sold for the highest price ever - $148,000 U.S. dollars. I saw it in person and it was truly magnificent!
Over the years we have learned much. The Cow Parade organization and Westland Giftware have learned to limit the number of new cows to be released each year to two. They have also learned to have limited quantities of a cow that is retired. For example, both Moon Dreams and Gladiator were retired awhile ago � however, Westland Giftware still has not sold out of the inventory they had. When cows are now retired, Westland Giftware has either sold out or is close to selling out. This works better for the collectors.
The story of the individual cows can be quite interesting. Some artists have done many cows. Other artists do just one. The cow makes a wonderful peaceful pallet.
Thanks for buying from

Thursday, July 16, 2009

Organic farms

(1) Beijing Qing Pu Yuan Vegetable Co.,Ltd.(Liu Min Ying Ecological Farm)
Add:Liu Min Ying Ecological Farm, Changziying Town, Daxing District, Beijing


Product categories:vegetable and fruit, grain


Liu Min Ying Ecological Farm products are sold in major supermarkets including Carrefour, Wal-Mart, Hua Lian, CR Vanguard, and more. The farm is also open to visitors and offers catering services. Advanced booking is required.

(2) Crab Island

Add:1 Xiedao Lu, Chaoyang District (1 kilometre south to Airport thruway Exit Weigou)


Product categories:vegetable and fruit, grain


Crab Island farms are open to visitors who wish to experience farm life. Fruit picking and crop harvesting tours can be arranged. Tour bookings and ordering of organic food can be made online and by phone.

(3) Beijing Kuai Le Nong Fu

Add:3 kilometres from the Tuqiao subway station, Zaolin Village, Zhangwan Town, Tongzhou District, Beijing

Product categories:vegetable and fruit

Certifier:Self-certified(Certification that awarded by agency is on the application)

Tel:010-51515231/13701105044(Mr. Wang)/13501268189(Mr. Fu)

Kuai Le Nong Fu has released a project of small family farms which consumers can rent to grow their own fruits and vegetables. Kuai Le Nong Fu will be happy to provide technical guidance and daily management services.

(4) Lohas Organic Farm (Beijing Lohas Health Food Communication Co., Ltd.)

Add:Nan Nian Feng, Yangsong Town, Huairou District,Beijing

Product categories:fruits and vegetable, grain, livestock

Certifier:In the process of application


Lohas Organic Farm covers 500 acres and is open to the public. They provide health education courses, accommodation, catering, and activities such as livestock feeding. Advanced booking can be made by phone.

(5) Zhiwan Organic Ranch (Beijing Lohaocity Supermarket Co.,Ltd.)

Add:Tianzhuang Village, Gaoling Town, Miyun District,Beijing

Organic Union:Member of IFOAM

Product categories: vegetable and fruit, grain, feeding animals, honey, plant


Opening date: Mid May – Mid Oct


Zhiwan Organic Farm covers an area of 1,486 hectares. They provide health education courses, accommodation, catering, and activities such as livestock feeding. Advanced booking for tours and organic food ordering can all be made by phone. Zhiwan Farm products are also available in Lohao City Supermarkets and at the Long Island Organic Hotpot Restaurant.

(6) Green Cow Farm

Add:Dong Ge Zhuang Village, Hou Sha Yu, Shunyi District, Beijing

Product categories: vegetables and fruits

Certifier:Self-certified, Vegetables and fruits are all planted in the soil which has no chemical pollution, and without fertilizer.


Consumers may apply for membership of Green Cattle Farm Vegetable Club to enjoy their ordering and delivery services. You can also save your biodegradable kitchen waste and send it to the farm for use as compost fertilizer. Green Cattle Farm has its own restaurant, for details please refer to Organic Restaurants (page number?).

(7) Derunwu Organic Farm

Add:3-6# strawberry garden, Xin Village, Xingshou Town, Changping District, Beijing

Product categories: dozens of kinds of organic vegetables



Derunwu Organic Farm mainly offers organic vegetables.

(8) Yuandingyuan Organic Eco-Agricultural Park

Add:Lixian Town,Daxing District,Beijing

Product categories: certified organic poultry,vegetable and corn
The Branch of Chinese Academy of Agricultural is the special store for organic Produce.

Customer Service Hotline:010-62130815 15911112185

Yuandingyuan Produce Distribution Center

Tel:010-89222818 13121020116

The products of Ecological Agricultural Park are available by email or phone. Consumers may also apply for the membership of Yuandingyuan Organic Eco-Agricultural Park, and plant and herd in the farm. They can also enjoy a half-discount price to pick vegetables in the farm once every month.