Within the last year, I have learned of a brand new treatment
protocol, called the Overnight Cure for Cancer (“O.C.C.”). This
book would not be complete unless I included a chapter on this
protocol. It is similar to my #1 recommended cancer protocol (the
“DMCC” protocol), but there are some distinct differences. This
entire chapter is taken from the research of Webster Kehr of the
Independent Cancer Research Foundation, Inc. (“ICRF”) in
conjunction with the research of Dr. Darrell Wolfe of the Wolfe
Clinic in British Columbia. It is reprinted in its entirety with the
express permission of Mr. Kehr and Dr. Wolfe.
Theories Behind the O.C.C.
What Causes Cancer? The past century has revealed extensive
research implicating a microbial origin as the cause of cancer. At
the leading edge, Dr. Royal Rife’s 1930s research identified evidence
of a human cancer virus by isolating and culturing the suspected
virus. After injecting numerous rats with the microbe, cancer
consistently developed in both live cells and tissue cultures.
Numerous other researchers also found evidence proving Rife’s
“If someone wanted to develop a cancer treatment that
could work fast, it would have to be a treatment that
reverted cancer cells into normal cells!”
R. Webster Kehr
Chapter 9 – The Overnight Cure for Cancer Cancer – Step Outside the Box
findings. Currently, Canadian biologist Gaston Naessens uses
ultraviolet microscopy that easily views what has now been
identified as the BX cancer virus in live blood samples of cancer
Dr. Rife was the first to prove beyond any doubt that the microbe
involved in cancer formation is pleomorphic, meaning the microbe
has multiple morphologies that change accordingly with particular
external stimulus. Dr. Robert O. Young, PhD., asserts that this
pleomorphic microbe is found in every human being and it is
irrefutably the inner terrain of the individual that enables the
microbe to morph into cancer. Rife proved that the BX cancer virus
has four distinct forms that can induce cancer formation within 36
hours of medium alteration.
According to Rife,“in reality, it is not the bacteria themselves that
produce the disease, but the chemical constituents of these
microorganisms enacting upon the unbalanced cell metabolism of
the human body that in actuality produces the disease. If the
metabolism of the human body is perfectly balanced, it is susceptible
to NO disease.”
Every human body contains extremely small microbes called
“somatids,” “microzyma,” “bion,” or “protits.” These are essentially
viruses in hibernation that capitalize on our inability to properly
detoxify, in which case they morphologically change. Under ideal
conditions, these somatids are inert. However, once an organism
mutates as a result of a change or stimulus in the environment and
the virus penetrates a healthy human cell, the microbe easily alters
metabolic functioning within the cell. This metabolic alteration is
the precursor to the formation of cancer as described below.
Metabolic Changes and Cancer Formation. A variety of cancer
causing agents or toxic carcinogens, enter the body stimulating their
transformation into yeast, fungus, mold and/or bacteria.
Independent cancer studies on these microbes have produced varied
perspectives on the pleomorphic microbe; some call it a virus, some
Chapter 9 – The Overnight Cure for Cancer Cancer – Step Outside the Box
a fungus, a mold, an acid-fast bacteria or mycobacterium, even an
amoeba. Which of these descriptions is correct? Most likely all
descriptions are valid.
Researchers have indicated that the primary cause of cancer of a cell
is the microbial interference with both the Krebs Cycle and the
Electron Transport Chain (ETC) in the mitochondria. These two
cycles are essential for proper cell functioning, as they are involved
in the production of ATP (adenosine triphosphate), the cells’ energy
source. During normal conditions the cell has an amazing ability to
restore the Krebs Cycle and ETC once they are broken. But what
interferes with the highly regulated production of ATP and how is it
able to continuously inhibit its production?
As previously described, environmental changes cause the alteration
of the BX virus into cancer causing pleomorphic forms. These same
environmental changes may result in damage or weakening of cell
membranes, enabling these pleomorphic microbes to enter the
normal cell, whether presenting as a fungus, mold or bacteria.
Once inside, the microbe intercepts the glucose that is entering the
cell and uses it as fuel resulting in microbial fermentation of glucose,
which causes excretion of acidic mycotoxins and dangerous
hormones. These highly acidic secretions cause a drop in the cells’
pH, a characteristic of cancer cells. With the continuous
interception of glucose entering the cell, the mitochondrion receives
very little glucose to produce ATP. This instigates a dramatic drop
in the cells energy levels.
Signals are sent to the insulin and glucose receptors on the
membrane of the cells to become hyperactive and bind to more
glucose to facilitate cell entry. However, the microbe intercepts this
process and the mitochondrion is instead bathed in an increasingly
large sea of mycotoxins and hormones. Because there is a limit to
how high the activity of these two types of receptors can become, it
is impossible for the mitochondria to get enough glucose for energy
production. The cell is now officially cancerous due to the fact that
Chapter 9 – The Overnight Cure for Cancer Cancer – Step Outside the Box
its energy levels have drastically dropped and the cell switches to an
anaerobic state, as it is now fermenting glucose instead of breaking it
The most important point is that a cancer cell consists of a very sick
human cell that is inhabited by a very healthy microbe.
Killing this microbe without killing the human cell is a tricky
process and most alternative cancer treatments kill the cancer cell
even if it is oxygen based.
There is one interesting thing about this process. Dr. Otto Heinrich
Warburg, a two-time Nobel Prize winner, discovered that cancer
cells receive their energy by fermenting glucose. In his own words,
Dr. Warburg said the following: “But, even for cancer there is only
one primary cause. Summarized in a few words, the cause of cancer
is the replacement of the respiration of oxygen in normal body cells
by a fermentation of sugar (glucose)” (Otto Warburg, The Prime
Cause and Prevention of Cancer, 1966).
Why is that important? Fermentation is impossible without yeast!
Yeast as a pleomorphic microbe now enters the cancer cell easily.
The microbe may enter the cell as a fungus, mold or bacteria, but
once inside the cell it ferments like yeast.
About the O.C.C.
The objective of this alternative treatment is to support the body
while effectively and efficiently turning cancer cells around. The
goals of the O.C.C. are to contribute to the successful treatment of
cancer by doing the following:
To safely and quickly stop the spreading of cancer
To reduce existing swelling, inflammation and congestion
thus increasing circulation
To help the body revert as many cancer cells as possible into
normal cells
Chapter 9 – The Overnight Cure for Cancer Cancer – Step Outside the Box
The main purpose of the treatment is to assist the body in
converting the maximum percentage of cancer cells back into
normal cells. Once reverted, these cells are subject to normal cell
death, known as apoptosis. Apoptosis does not cause swelling or
inflammation of tissue but instead may reduce it. This is the
opposite reaction to what the body may experience with other
alternative and conventional cancer treatments.
Because the O.C.C. requires a change in the metabolism of the
cancerous cell, it may take two or three weeks before it is fully
known what percentage of cancer cells have been reverted into
normal cells.
How the O.C.C. Supports the Body in Fighting Cancer
More than a dozen natural substances have been shown in vitro to
revert cancer cells back into normal, healthy cells. The most
successful of these substances is DMSO, which has been successfully
normalized several types of cancer cells. As such, DMSO and a
product known as MSM are the two key ingredients in the O.C.C.
DMSO (dimethyl sulfoxide) is a 100% natural substance which is
generally extracted from wood. A classic study using DMSO bound
to haematoxylon dye has proven that DMSO has the ability to
specifically target and enter cancer cells even with chemotherapy
treatment. More research has been done on DMSO, on more lines of
cancer, than on any other cancer fighting substance.
MSM (methyl sulfonyl methane), also known as DMSO2, is also an
important ingredient of the OCC treatment. It is generally made
from DMSO, but it is also ubiquitous in nature. MSM is completely
safe to use and is approximately 7 times less toxic than common
table salt.
Both DMSO and MSM are sulfur and methyl based molecules,
which have one (DMSO) or two (MSM) extra oxygen molecules. No
one knows for sure how DMSO and MSM work, but it is clear that
DMSO has the ability to enter cancer cells. One theory is that once
Chapter 9 – The Overnight Cure for Cancer Cancer – Step Outside the Box
inside the cancer cell, the DMSO and MSM molecules release their
extra oxygen atoms. These oxygen atoms are then used to kill the
microbes within the cancer cell without actually killing the cell
itself. Since the microbe is anaerobic, it has no immunity to an
oxygenated environment.
Emphasis should be placed on the vast differences between an
oxygen pair (O2) versus an oxygen singlet (O1). Most of the oxygen
in the body is the very stable oxygen pair, however, there is also
great need for oxygen singlets since they are used to kill microbes
and neutralize a number of dangerous molecules.
Most people have a significant shortage of oxygen singlets due to the
way food is processed. Both DMSO and MSM, among other
elements, provide oxygen singlets to the body without a high
amount of alkalinity; this allows the substances to be taken at much
higher doses. In addition, neither DMSO nor MSM are strong
enough to kill a cell, whether cancerous or non-cancerous. As such,
oxygen singlets and sulfur do not kill cells, but oxygen singlets can
kill microbes.
Once the microbe within the cancer cell is safely eradicated, the cell
begins the process of reverting the damage made by the microbe and
returning it to normal. Because the microbe is no longer
intercepting glucose, the mitochondria are able to produce ATP for
cellular use. Microbial death can occur overnight; however, the
process of reverting cellular metabolism to the normal state can take
several days or even weeks. It is possible for normal functioning
metabolism to be restored over time, although this is different in all
There is much evidence that proves killing or halting the microbe’s
reproductive abilities, normalizes the cell allowing it to eventually
die a natural death through apoptosis. Dr. Rife, known for utilizing
electromagnetic waves based on the resonant frequency of the
microbe, supports this theory. This theory is similar to the Photon
Chapter 9 – The Overnight Cure for Cancer Cancer – Step Outside the Box
How to Support the Body in Turning Cancer Around
There are a dozen alternative cancer treatments that currently have
a 50% success rate on advanced cancer patients. These treatments
work by directly eradicating the cancer cells and minimally take two
months to be affective.
When cancer cells die, the body needs time to remove it. As a
result, a rapid die-off of cancer cells and the associated debris can
overwhelm the body therefore an aggressive but cautious approach
is necessary.
The treatment targets the safe eradication of cancer cells, which
instigates an immune response by the body. The immune system
attacks the tissue causing painful and potentially dangerous swelling
and inflammation, which can be very dangerous particularly for
brain, lung and digestive cancers. For example, the targeting of a
mass of cancer cells within the brain can have detrimental affects
causing swelling that produces neurological problems, tissue damage
and even death.
However, treatment that reverts cancer cells into normal cells, with
no cell death and no detrimental symptoms, provides hope. As
previously discussed, the components of the O.C.C. treatment make
this possible by killing the cancer-causing microbe without killing
the cancer cell. This makes the O.C.C. unique when compared to
other alternative medicine treatments.
The O.C.C. Treatment
The O.C.C. treatment consists of dosages of DMSO and MSM every
half hour over a 12-hour period based on the age and weight of the
patient. During the treatment, no food is eaten for 12 hours before
and after the treatment. Also, no food is consumed during the
treatment, with only the topical application of DMSO, and ingestion
of MSM and the accompanying components of the therapy. This
results in a total of 36 hours of no food consumption.
Chapter 9 – The Overnight Cure for Cancer Cancer – Step Outside the Box
There are four premises behind the protocol during this therapy that
I will explain below:
1) Reverting Abnormal Cancer Cells into Normal Cells
This theory was explained above, with emphasis on this treatment’s
ability to convert cancer cells into normal functioning cells while
inhibiting negative symptom formation. DMSO and MSM have the
ability to target the cancer cell and initiate the conversion by
changing metabolic functioning within the cell with minimal
normal cell die-off.
2) The Fast
The O.C.C. protocol does not allow any food or drink and follows
the same theory as a “juice fast”. Eliminating the food supply to the
cancerous cells essentially starves the cancer-causing microbe. The
protocol involves the external application of DMSO, oral ingestion
of MSM and other supporting supplements only. The cells readily
absorb the abnormally high doses of DMSO and MSM provided by
the body, allowing for the direct targeting of the cancer cell and
eradication of the microbe.
The elimination of food ensures that no glucose is available for
microbe fermentation, although any lactic acid remaining can
potentially convert into glucose by the liver (known as the Lactic
Acid Cycle). Fortunately, MSM can bind to lactic acid and safely
remove it from the body, thereby reducing the availability of
3) The Colon Cleanse
Although no food is entering the body, the colon still contains
putrefying waste from previous meals that must be eliminated.
Nutrients that have not yet entered the blood stream are still in the
digestive tract and potentially compete with and dilute the DMSO
and MSM.
It is essential for the colon to be cleansed prior to the
commencement of the treatment. This can be done using Royal Tea,
Chapter 9 – The Overnight Cure for Cancer Cancer – Step Outside the Box
a safe and gentle herbal colon cleanser and cell rejuvenator. Royal
Tea eliminates debris within the intestinal tract, in addition to
rejuvenating and toning the intestinal muscle. This promotes proper
elimination and efficient absorption of nutrients. This tea is used in
preparation for the protocol, during the therapy and after the
termination of the treatment. Royal Tea is safe to take on a
continual basis.
It is imperative to understand that the intestines are the main route
of nutrient absorption and detoxification. Without a proper
functioning intestinal tract, the effectiveness of any treatment is
4) Consuming Small Quantities Several Times
The fourth key concept of O.C.C. is the consistent ingestion of small
doses of supplements over the course of the treatment. This ensures
a higher percentage of assimilation of nutrients than if only one or
two large doses were taken. This concept is comparable to the use of
IV’s in hospitals. IV doses are small and frequent therefore
effectively impacting the body because of efficient assimilation into
the cells.
A Final Comment on the Theory Behind the O.C.C.
After Dr. Rife identified and isolated the BX microbe within cancer
cells in the 1930s, he discovered the structural resonance frequency
of the virus. Based on this information, Rife developed an
electromagnetic machine that released resonance frequency waves
that could potentially be detrimental to the microbe. This particular
frequency, when applied to the microbe, eradicated the BX virus in
addition to other viruses, bacteria, mold, fungi, and yeast within the
body by lysing. Rife successfully utilized his technology on isolated
viruses and treat over 400 animals with tumors. Several frequency
machines have been produced since Rife’s initial findings.
The O.C.C. functions by starving the cancer cell of any glucose
source while subjecting it to the oxygen singlets of DMSO and MSM
Chapter 9 – The Overnight Cure for Cancer Cancer – Step Outside the Box
in order to eradicate the microbe within the cell. If the treatment is
unable to successfully kill all cancer causing microbes, at a
minimum, it has weakened the microbe within the cell. The
application of oscillations that vibrate at specific resonant
frequencies to the cancer cell will help eradicate the virus. Used in
44 different countries by holistic practitioners, the Photon Genie has
been shown to facilitate the regeneration of tissue and bone. The
use of a Photon Genie in conjunction with the O.C.C. treatment is a
superb combination.
In addition, research has also revealed that pulses released from a
magnetic field source, creates tiny electrical micro-currents in the
body. When these pulses are applied to human tissue they have the
ability to disable a wide range of microbes including viruses, fungi,
bacteria and parasites. The Sota Magnetic Pulser has shown to be
highly effective with all types of disease. When applied onto
infected areas of the body, this unit releases short bursts of a strong
magnetic field that travels through tissue layers and affectively
eradicates microorganisms within the tissue. I also suggest the use of
the Magnetic Pulser in conjunction with the O.C.C. treatment. Visit
www.thewolfeclinic.com for more information.
Supplements for the O.C.C.
The following products are necessary for the O.C.C. treatment and
are available at www.thewolfeclinic.com. The quantities indicated
are for the 3 day buildup and the 12 hour fast only. Some
individuals will extend or repeat the 12 hour fast and will require a
higher quantity of each product.
1. Four or more bottles of DMSO (16 fl.oz.) – 70% DMSO with
30% distilled water
While perfectly safe, DMSO can legally be sold as a
70% DMSO/30% distilled water penetrates the skin better
than 100% DMSO and is less irritating to the skin.
Chapter 9 – The Overnight Cure for Cancer Cancer – Step Outside the Box
All doses in this article are based on 70% DMSO mixed
with 30% distilled water or 30% Aloe Vera
2. One pound of Lignisul Granular MSM Crystals
MSM crystals should specifically state that there are “no
We recommend the use of MSM cream or lotion in
addition to the granular crystals
MSM cream and lotion are to be applied topically to
inhibit the formation of rashes from the application of
3. One gallon of Theta Super Silver
Super Silver is an antimicrobial product that specifically
targets any microbial, viral, and fungal infection within
the body.
Made up of a nano sized vegetable mineral, Theta Super
Silver is readily absorbed into cells
There is no toxic dose
Ionic and colloidal silver do not compare to Theta Super
Silver in delivery and effectiveness
Silver readily binds to DMSO and is transported by the
DMSO to the target cancer cell, where it helps attack any
microbial presence within the cell
4. One bottle of Vitälzym (450 capsules)
Vitälzym is a systemic enzyme that:
o Facilitates metabolic functions within the body
o Cleanses tissue
o Increases circulation by relieving toxins and
delivering nutrients faster and efficiently
o Aids the immune system
5. One bottle of Green Supreme Barley Power (400 capsules)
Green Supreme contains 1400 live digestive enzymes in
every capsule that benefits any health protocol
Green Supreme contains:
Chapter 9 – The Overnight Cure for Cancer Cancer – Step Outside the Box
o VITAMINS – A broad spectrum of vitamins to help
the body operate at peak efficiency, fight disease and
maintain good health
o MINERALS – Principle minerals and numerous trace
elements which work hand-in-hand with vitamins for
balanced body performance
o ENZYMES – Hundreds of essential live enzymes to
facilitate vital body functions
o AMINO ACIDS – Essential building and maintaining
of body tissues
o FIBER – To aid digestion and elimination of debris
o ALKALINE pH – Boosts alkalinity to balance the
bodies pH; high acid levels is characteristically
common with cancer patients
6. Two gallons of purified, structured, Vitalized Water
Do not used chlorinated or fluoridated water as these are
both known carcinogens
7. One pack of Royal Tea
Contains herbal extracts high in antioxidants and enzymes
specifically for cleansing and rejuvenating the intestinal
tract at the cellular level
8. One bottle of Super Z-Lite (60 mL) & one pack of Super ZLite
Contains Zeolite, humic fulvic acid, and ocean & plant
derived minerals
Liquid crosses the blood brain barrier
Capsules specifically targets cells within the intestinal tract
(works well with Royal Tea to eliminate toxins)
Effective against harsh microorganisms; functions as a
broad spectrum anti-viral agent
Supports a healthy immune system
Balances pH levels
Chapter 9 – The Overnight Cure for Cancer Cancer – Step Outside the Box
Below is a list of additional products that you will need for this
treatment. These products can be purchased locally.
A container of sea salt
An empty eye dropper bottle (available at The Wolfe Clinic)
Skin brush
Prior to the O.C.C. Treatment Protocol
Preparing the body for detox.
It is important to cleanse the colon prior to commencing this
treatment. This will ensure that food within the intestinal tract does
not “compete” with the DMSO and MSM in entering the cancer
cells. The colon cleanse should be done during the build up (see
below). We suggest using the Royal Tea and Super Z-Lite.
Structured, vitalized water can be taken at any time during the build
up and treatment. Stay away from chlorinated and fluoridated
water, as they are known carcinogens. Distilled water is not
hydrating for the body and exhibits a pH of 5.5. Water that will aid
in the delivery of nutrients and the elimination of toxins at a cellular
level is much more desirable.
The 3 Day Buildup Prior to the O.C.C.
The “official treatment” will consist of 25 “one dose” treatments over
a twelve hour period. Each dose is administered every half hour.
However, it is generally wise to take three days to build up to this
dose because of the following reasons:
The three day buildup functions as an early-warning system
to catch the appearance of inflammation, swelling, or
congestion caused by the treatment. These symptoms can
include flu-like symptoms, increased swelling, inflammation
and congestion in the cancer area, and/or a rise in body
Chapter 9 – The Overnight Cure for Cancer Cancer – Step Outside the Box
Allows the patient to become accustomed to working with
the products, most importantly the DMSO.
To allow the digestive tract to become accustomed to the
administered levels of MSM.
To become confident in the safety of this treatment.
If for any reason during the buildup or the actual treatment, the
patient experiences increased inflammation, swelling or congestion,
terminate the entire treatment. Start again once the patient has
detoxified efficiently or an alternative treatment may have to be
started after a two- day wait.
Use Royal Tea and Super Z-Lite during the buildup to ensure proper
elimination is occurring. This is essential to success. No food or
drink should be ingested during the specified hours of the buildup
(high quality water is allowed)
A typical buildup is 3 days long and is administered as follows:
Day 1 Buildup
Treatment is taken for 3 hours; a total of 7 doses of DMSO and MSM
are taken at half hour intervals. Super Silver doses (both orally and
topically) will be maintained with each DMSO dose. Also, Vitalzym
and Green Supreme Barley Power doses should be started and
maintained during this time.
Day 2 Buildup
Treatment is taken for 6 hours; a total of 13 doses of DMSO and
MSM are taken at half hour intervals. Super Silver doses (both
orally and topically) will be maintained with each DMSO dose.
Also, Vitalzym and Green Supreme Barley Power doses should be
maintained during this time.
Day 3 Buildup
Treatment is taken for 9 hours; a total of 19 doses of DMSO and
MSM are taken at half hour intervals. Super Silver doses (both
orally and topically) will be maintained with each DMSO dose.
Chapter 9 – The Overnight Cure for Cancer Cancer – Step Outside the Box
Also, Vitalzym and Green Supreme Barley Power doses should be
maintained during this time.
Day 4 – 12 Hour Treatment
The twelve-hour O.C.C. treatment is administered on day 4.
When possible and if time is not an issue, it would be advisable to
start with a 7 day primer that consists of a thorough detoxification
program prior to starting the build up. This will help to create a
strong foundation for the treatment.
Tables 1 through 4 provide detailed instructions on the
administration of DMSO and MSM on the buildup days.
Table 1 – Three Day DMSO Buildup Schedule
Weight DMSO Build Up Day 1 DMSO Build Up Day 2 DMSO Build Up Day 3
200 lbs
1 tbsp every half hour for 3
1 tbsp every half hour for 6
2 tbsp every half hour for 9
175 lbs
7/8ths tbsp every half hour
for 3 hours
7/8ths tbsp every half hour
for 6 hours
7/8ths tbsp every half hour
for 9 hours
150 lbs
3/4th tbsp every half hour
for 3 hours
3/4ths tbsp every half hour
for 6 hours
3/4ths tbsp every half hour
for 9 hours
125 lbs
5/8ths tbsp every half hour
for 3 hours
5/8ths tbsp every half hour
for 6 hours
5/8ths tbsp every half hour
for 9 hours
100 lbs
1/2 tbsp every half hour for
3 hours
1/2 tbsp every half hour for
6 hours
1/2 tbsp every half hour
for 9 hours
***Adult schedule
Table 2 – Three-Day MSM Water Buildup Schedule
MSM Water Mixture Build
Up Day 1
MSM Water Mixture
Build Up Day 2
MSM Water Mixture
Build Up Day 3
200 lbs
9 tbsp every half hour for 3
9 tbsp every half hour for 6
9 tbsp every half hour for 9
175 lbs
9 tbsp every half hour for 3
9 tbsp every half hour for 6
9 tbsp every half hour for 9
150 lbs
9 tbsp every half hour for 3
9 tbsp every half hour for 6
9 tbsp every half hour for 9
125 lbs
9 tbsp every half hour for 3
9 tbsp every half hour for 6
9 tbsp every half hour for 9
100 lbs
9 tbsp every half hour for 3
9 tbsp every half hour for 6
9 tbsp every half hour for 9
***Adult schedule
Chapter 9 – The Overnight Cure for Cancer Cancer – Step Outside the Box
Table 3 – Child Three-Day DMSO Buildup Schedule
Weight DMSO Build Up Day 1 DMSO Build Up Day 2 DMSO Build Up Day 3
75 lbs
3/16ths tbsp every half
hour for 3 hours
3/16ths tbsp every half
hour for 6 hours
3/16ths tbsp every half
hour for 9 hours
50 lbs
1/8ths tbsp every half hour
for 3 hours
1/8ths tbsp every half hour
for 6 hours
1/8ths tbsp every half hour
for 9 hours
25 lbs
1/16th tbsp every half hour
for 3 hours
1/16th tbsp every half hour
for 6 hours
1/16th tbsp every half hour
for 9 hours
*** Doses for children ages 12 and under
Table 4 – Child Three-Day MSM Water Buildup Schedule
MSM Water Mixture Build
Up Day 1
MSM Water Mixture
Build Up Day 2
MSM Water Mixture
Build Up Day 3
75 lbs
9 tbsp every half hour for 3
9 tbsp every half hour for 6
9 tbsp every half hour for 9
50 lbs
9 tbsp every half hour for 3
9 tbsp every half hour for 6
9 tbsp every half hour for 9
25 lbs
9 tbsp every half hour for 3
9 tbsp every half hour for 6
9 tbsp every half hour for 9
*** Doses for children ages 12 and under
Please Note (For Brain, Colon and Lung Cancer):
Because the formation of swelling, inflammation and congestion are
particularly dangerous for cancer patients, the buildup program will
trouble shoot these potentials. Some types of cancers, including
brain, colon and lung require a modified approach to avoid any
detrimental results if the above symptoms occur. A slower buildup
is necessary. The buildup is administered as follows:
Day 1 Buildup
Treatment is taken for 2 hours; a total of 5 doses of DMSO and MSM
are taken at half hour intervals. Super Silver, Vitalzym, and Green
Supreme Barley Power are maintained.
Day 2 Buildup
Treatment is taken for 4 hours; a total of 9 doses of DMSO and MSM
are taken at half hour intervals. Super Silver, Vitalzym, and Green
Supreme Barley Power are maintained.
Chapter 9 – The Overnight Cure for Cancer Cancer – Step Outside the Box
Day 3 Buildup
Treatment is taken for 6 hours; a total of 13 doses of DMSO and
MSM are taken at half hour intervals. Super Silver, Vitalzym, and
Green Supreme Barley Power are maintained.
Day 4 – 12 Hour Treatment
The twelve-hour O.C.C. treatment is administered on day four.
MSM water doses may have to be halved depending on the
individual. See “How To Make MSM Water”
In addition, cancer patients who have blockage anywhere in the
digestive tract should not use this treatment or any other alternative
cancer treatment until the blockage is cleared. As previously
mentioned, Royal Tea can be used to relieve any blockage.
As above, if there is any unexpected inflammation, swelling or
congestion during this buildup, the treatment should be
immediately terminated and alternative treatments will be assessed.
A seven-day primer (detox program) should be started to prepare the
body for the O.C.C. or an alternative treatment should be started
after a 2-day wait.
The Official 12 Hour O.C.C. Treatment Protocol
The colon should be clean by 8:00 p.m. on the night BEFORE the
12-hour O.C.C. treatment is started. Eat and drink absolutely
nothing after the 8:00 p.m. starting point - drink only water
(preferably Vitalized or Wellness water).
Beginning at 8:00 a.m. on the first day of the 12-hour O.C.C.
treatment, the patient should take their first dose of the
supplements. Subsequent doses are administered every half hour for
12 hours. Dosages for DMSO, MSM, Super Silver, Vitalzym, Green
Supreme, Royal Tea and Super Z-Lite will be described in the
sections to follow.
Chapter 9 – The Overnight Cure for Cancer Cancer – Step Outside the Box
For 12 hours AFTER the last dose administered, eat and drink
nothing (patient can drink only Vitalized or Wellness water).
In summary:
The O.C.C. protocol begins with a 3-day buildup including
the administration of low doses of DMSO and MSM to the
A 12 hour fast must occur on the third day of the build up,
BEFORE the 12 hour O.C.C. treatment can begin. This will
ensure that all food particles are removed from the body and
will not interfere with the supplements.
DMSO and MSM administration commences 12 hours after
the initial fast begins. Doses are administered every half
hour. Additional supplementation is also administered at
this time.
An additional 12 hour fast commences after the last O.C.C.
dose is administered (ie. 8 p.m. to 8 a.m.).
How To Take the DMSO
DMSO must be topically administered for this treatment (external
application). This is done to avoid any stomach issues that may arise
and inhibits the passage of DMSO through the liver before it reaches
the blood stream.
Prior to administration, at least 6 different sections of the body
should be identified for the application of DMSO. For example, the
right and left forearm, the right and left thigh, and the right and left
calf can be used as areas for the DMSO to be applied. Every half
hour, rotate among the chosen sections for DMSO application. It
takes only a matter of minutes for the DMSO to absorb into the skin,
but the rotation inhibits the development of a rash. DMSO, when
repeatedly applied in the same area, tends to dehydrate and irritate
the skin.
An eyedropper is needed for the application of DMSO. Since each
eye-dropper is sized differently, please experiment to determine
how many drops of DMSO are proportional to your dose.
Chapter 9 – The Overnight Cure for Cancer Cancer – Step Outside the Box
IMPORTANT: The external application of DMSO should also be
mixed with Theta Super Silver. As soon as the DMSO and Super
Silver has been absorbed through the skin and the skin is dry
(approximately 15 minutes), follow by applying MSM cream onto
the area. Also, be sure to follow the application of DMSO by orally
taking Theta Super Silver (Silver is taken both externally and
internally). This is important, as it will help to prevent the
development of a rash prior to the application of the next DMSO
administration. If a rash develops anyways, simply choose another
area of the body to apply the DMSO.
In summary:
Rotate the area of DMSO administration between 6 or more
Spread the DMSO over the skin in a thin layer that covers a
wide area.
Add Theta Super Silver over the area for external absorption
Spray copious amounts of water (if needed) and apply MSM
cream over the area of DMSO application. (Wait 15 minutes
for the DMSO to absorb and the skin to dry)
Table 5 and 6 provides the DMSO doses for both Adults and
Children based on weight:
Table 5 – DMSO Dosage For Adults
Weight DMSO (tbsp) [25 doses]
200 lbs 1 tbsp every half hour
175 lbs 7/8ths of tbsp every half hour
150 lbs 3/4ths of a tbsp every half hour
125 lbs 5/8ths of a tbsp every half hour
100 lbs 1/2 tbsp every half hour
Table 6 – DMSO Dosage for Children
Weight Child DMSO (tbsp) [25 doses]
75 lbs 3/16th of a tbsp every half hour
50 lbs 1/8ths of tbsp every half hour
25 lbs 1/16ths of a tbsp every half hour
*** Doses for children ages 12 and under
Chapter 9 – The Overnight Cure for Cancer Cancer – Step Outside the Box
Safety Precautions for Handling DMSO. Do not panic at these
warnings, DMSO is not dangerous, there are just some simple
precautions that must be taken.
DMSO has a tendency to bind or attach to different substances and
carries them through the skin. As a result, precautions must be
taken when administering DMSO:
DMSO should NOT touch gloves made of rubber, latex or
other synthetic materials.
No Q-Tips should be used due to the composition of glue
found in the tip.
Patient or caregiver should use their bare hands or fingers to
administer the DMSO and then wash their hands with water
(or use MSM cream or MSM lotion) immediately after
applying the DMSO. This will prevent wrinkles and rashes.
DMSO can safely touch: metal, glass, wood, ceramic and
rigid plastics (including rigid plastic bottles).
What To Do If DMSO Is Not Quickly Absorbed.
Most DMSO sold in the United States is 99.9% pure DMSO mixed
with water in the ratio of 70% DMSO to 30% of water. This is the
ideal ratio of pure DMSO to water that promotes absorption into the
skin within 5 to 10 minutes.
DMSO may not absorb well if the ratio of DMSO to water is not
around 70% to 30%. Water may need to be added if too much
DMSO is present. If your ratio is less the 70% DMSO, unfortunately
nothing can be done. This is why it is important to try and avoid
mixing the DMSO with other liquids. Also, when purchasing the
DMSO, try to purchase one that is already composed of the ideal
ratio. The Wolfe Clinic has the requested DMSO available for
If the ideal ratio is being used, but the DMSO is not absorbing, try
applying the DMSO onto a different location of the body. Any part
of your body is acceptable except for areas that contain a significant
amount of hair. It is not advisable to apply DMSO onto your head.
Chapter 9 – The Overnight Cure for Cancer Cancer – Step Outside the Box
How to make “MSM Water.” MSM crystals must be dissolved in
water for internal ingestion. MSM crystals should be dissolved in
water as follows:
Add 1 gallon of purified Vitalized or Wellness water to a one
gallon jug
The bottle should be full with a little bit of empty
space on top of the bottle to allow it to be shaken.
One teaspoon is equivalent to 4 grams of MSM crystals (the
dosages are calculated according to a patient’s weight).
Follow the dosages shown in the chart (Table 7):
Example: For a 200 pound individual 2 gram should
be taken every half hour for twelve consecutive
hours, therefore a total of 25 grams will be
administered (2 gram 25 times). 2 gram of MSM is
equivalent to ¼ of a teaspoon. The chart shows that
50 grams should be added to the 1 gallon of water.
Children ages 12 and under should be administered a
lower proportion of the MSM and water mixture.
Please refer to the chart for child dosages (Table 8).
Add 1 teaspoon of sea salt to the one gallon of water. This
will aid the entrance of water into the cells.
During this treatment, the entire gallon will be consumed.
This amounts to approximately 9 tablespoons of the MSM
water every half hour.
The proportional amounts of MSM required for half hour
dosages corresponding to your weight have been added to
the water, therefore, no matter what weight you are, take 9
tablespoons of MSM water every half hour.
Tables 7 and 8 (next page) provide the MSM doses for both Adults
and Children based on weight:
Chapter 9 – The Overnight Cure for Cancer Cancer – Step Outside the Box
Table 7 – Adult MSM Dosage
Weight Dose of MSM (g) per Half Hour Instructions for MSM + 1 Gallon Water Mixture
200 lbs 2 gram every half hour 50 grams added to 1 gallon of water
175 lbs 1.75 grams every half hour 43.75 grams added to 1 gallon of water
150 lbs 1.5 grams every half hour 37.5 grams added to 1 gallon of water
125 lbs 1.25 grams every half hour 31.25 grams added to 1 gallon of water
100 lbs 1 grams every half hour 25 grams added to 1 gallon of water
*** 9 tablespoons of MSM water mixture should be taken every half hour regardless of weight
For a child or some adult cancer patients, drinking a gallon
of water over a 12 hour period may be too much water for
them. If so, use a half-gallon, but put the same amount of
MSM in the water as you would if it were a full gallon
(according to weight).
Also add only ½ a teaspoon of salt to the half
gallon MSM mixture.
Half as much MSM water will be ingested,
therefore, for half a gallon, drink 4 ½ tablespoons
each half hour.
Table 8 – MSM Dosage for Children Age 12 & Under
Weight Dose of MSM (g) per Half Hour Instructions for MSM + 1/2 Gallon Water Mixture
75 lbs 0.75 grams gram every half hour 18.75 grams added to 1 gallon of water
50 lbs 0.5 grams every half hour 12.5 grams added to 1 gallon of water
25 lbs 0.25 grams every half hour 6.25 grams added to 1 gallon of water
*** 9 tablespoons of MSM water mixture should be taken every half hour regardless of weight
*** Doses for children ages 12 and under
Dealing With Stomach Problems Caused by MSM
For some individuals, the administration of oral MSM can cause
stomach discomfort. In most cases the development of stomach
problems is due to the fact that individuals have not cleansed the
digestive tract properly. In this case there are two options:
Delaying treatment for another day will allow the build up
to the dosages of MSM that the stomach can handle.
(Adding days to the buildup)
Discontinuing the use of MSM for the rest of the day, while
continuing to administer the external application of DMSO
Chapter 9 – The Overnight Cure for Cancer Cancer – Step Outside the Box
can also be done. This option is acceptable because MSM is
only an appendage of the DMSO treatment. DMSO is the
main ingredient.
Keep in mind that MSM enables your cells and tissues to release
toxins that have built up over the years. Sulfur is a vital part of our
waste management system, and if we have not had enough of it, our
bodies are not able to release the waste substances. If too much
MSM is taken, a patient’s body will release too much waste at one
time for the kidneys and liver to handle. This waste in the blood
stream can cause all kinds of problems ranging from flu-like
symptoms to re-experiencing the effects of drugs taken in the past.
The key to reducing or eliminating detox symptoms is to start on
MSM slowly so that the waste in tissues is released slowly and to
drink lots of water so that the released toxins will be flushed out of
the body quickly.
Administering Theta Super Silver
Silver has been used for thousands of years as a systemic disinfectant
that functions like a secondary immune system. Our Theta Super
Silver is made up of nano sized vegetable silver minerals and is
readily available for absorption into cells. Since silver readily binds
to DMSO, its oral application will help the DMSO and MSM attack
any microbial infection within the cancer cell.
One ounce of Super Silver should be taken orally every half hour,
immediately after the external application of DMSO. Children ages
12 and under should be given half of the dose. In addition, Super
Silver should be mixed directly on the skin with DMSO (Please refer
to Tables 9 and 10).
Administering Super Z-Lite
Super Z-Lite liquid tincture and capsules are important supplements
during the O.C.C. treatment. Composed of purified volcanic ash
known as Zeolite, Super Z-Lite resembles a sieve and enters the
body with a negative charge. This negatively charged particle binds
to unwanted and potentially dangerous positively charged particles
Chapter 9 – The Overnight Cure for Cancer Cancer – Step Outside the Box
and safely removes them from the body. These particles include free
radicals, heavy metals, acid and viral fragments.
Super Z-Lite is especially important during the O.C.C. protocol
because it removes acid waste produced by cancer cells and
effectively attacks viruses and other microorganisms within the
body. At the same time, this fortified blend also delivers ocean and
plant derived minerals, in addition to humic fulvic acid, into the
Super Z-Lite tincture and capsules are both recommended as they
help to synergize and boost each other to fulfill zeolite’s highest
known capabilities. The capsule form can reach the intestines
where they chelate heavy metals and toxins much more thoroughly,
whereas the tincture has the ability to cross the blood-brain barrier
and reach vital organs.
Adult doses for Super Z-Lite tincture are 25 drops 4 times per day,
with the additional supplementation of Super Z-Lite capsules of 1
capsule 4 times a day. Children 12 years and younger should be
taking 10 drops of the liquid tincture 4 times per day and 1 Super ZLite
Administering Vitalzym and Green Supreme Barley Power
Tables 9 and 10 summarize Vitalzym and Green Supreme Barley
Power doses based on the patient’s weight and age. Please keep in
mind that no more than 12 capsules should be taken a day because
some enzymes act as blood thinners and high doses can cause health
The purpose of these products is to assist the conversion of the
cancer cells back into normal cells, while providing the key enzymes
necessary for the metabolic production of ATP. These supplements
can and should be continued after the completion of the O.C.C.
Chapter 9 – The Overnight Cure for Cancer Cancer – Step Outside the Box
Tables 9 and 10 provide the doses for Super Silver, Vitälzym, and
Green Supreme Barley Powder.
Table 9
Adult Administration of Super Silver, Vitalzym & Green Supreme Barley Power
Weight Super Silver Vitalzym Green Supreme Barley Power
1 ounce (orally) 1 cap every hour for 12
200 lbs 1 tsp (topically) hours (max 12 caps) 1 capsule every hour for 12 hours
1 ounce (orally) 1 cap every hour for 12
175 lbs ¾ tsp (topically) hours (max 12 caps) 1 capsule every hour for 12 hours
1 ounce (orally) 1 cap every hour for 12
150 lbs ¾ tsp (topically) hours (max 12 caps) 1 capsule every hour for 12 hours
1 ounce (orally) 1 cap every hour for 12
125 lbs ¾ tsp (topically) hours (max 12 caps) 1 capsule every hour for 12 hours
1 ounce (orally) 1 cap every hour for 12
100 lbs ½ tsp (topically) hours (max 6 caps) 1 capsule every hour for 12 hours
Table 10
Child Administration of Super Silver, Vitalzym & Green Supreme Barley Power
Weight Super Silver Vitalzym Green Supreme Barley Power
½ ounce (orally) 1 cap every 3 hours for
75 lbs ½ tsp (topically) 12 hours 1 cap every hour for 12 hours
½ ounce (orally) 1 cap every 3 hours for
50 lbs ½ tsp (topically) 12 hours 1 cap every hour for 12 hours
½ ounce (orally) 1 cap every 3 hours for
25 lbs ¼ tsp (topically) 12 hours 1 cap every hour for 12 hours
*** Doses for children age 12 and under
Administering Royal Tea (aka Wholly Tea)
The use of Royal Tea before, during and after the O.C.C. treatment
will help to promote proper evacuation of intestinal debris from the
body. This ensures that the intestinal tract is absorbing nutrients
and supplements during the therapy. As previously described, the
Royal Tea should be started immediately and taken during the
buildup, 12 hour treatment and continued after the treatment ends.
Below are instructions on how to take the tea:
Two tea bags will make one gallon and will last approximately one
week for one person.
Bring a gallon of enhanced water (Wellness Water or
Vitalized Water) to a full boil
Chapter 9 – The Overnight Cure for Cancer Cancer – Step Outside the Box
Turn off the stove and add two Royal Tea bags (three bags
for extra strength) into the boiling water while the pot
remains on the stove
Cover and let STEEP for eight hours – this will bring the
herbs to full potency
Drink (these doses are to be taken prior to the
commencement of the treatment):
One 8 oz. glass in the morning
One 8 oz. glass in the evening
Two 4 oz. glasses during the day
For children (these doses are to be taken prior to the
commencement of the treatment):
75 pounds and greater – give ½ the dose
Under 75 pounds – give 1/3 the dose
Royal Tea is good for all ages
The following may be experience while using Royal Tea:
Slight cramping may occur and can last from 3 to 14 days.
This is a normal occurrence for intestinal rejuvenation. The
body is cleansing old mucus, fungus, viruses, and bad
bacteria, which causes gas and abdominal cramping.
If extreme cramping occurs, decrease the amount of the tea
taken, but do not stop the cleanse. This is due to the
breakdown of scar tissue in the colon or adhesions.
Gas and cramping are symptoms of loosening of old mucus,
bacteria, fungus and fecal waste off of the intestinal walls.
This is a normal occurrence.
Loose stool is normal
If the stool is watery, decrease the amount of tea taken, but
do not stop the cleanse. You should maintain 2-3 bowel
movements per day, slightly on the loose side but of good
volume, NOT watery. Keep in mind that the 2-3 bowel
movements per day should only be occurring prior to the
12-hour O.C.C. treatment. Once the treatment is started the
patient should take as much Royal Tea necessary to maintain
Chapter 9 – The Overnight Cure for Cancer Cancer – Step Outside the Box
Your rectum may feel warm. This is due to the acidity that
is being dumped from your tissues.
Feces that are extremely dark in color (black) is very old
waste that is being expelled.
Weight loss will occur only if the body needs it. Royal Tea
acts as a body balancer.
When using Royal Tea be sure to eat a healthy diet that includes
plenty of fresh and raw salads and whole grains. Reduce or avoid
animal protein, dairy, bread, sugar and processed foods. (Before,
during build up, and after treatment).
Possible Side Effects of the O.C.C.
One of the main side effects of this treatment is harmless, but could
be embarrassing….very severe body odor. DMSO and MSM are
sulfur-containing elements; as a result, sulfur is emitted from the
patient resulting in a distinctly unpleasant smell. A chemical
breakdown of these elements produces a molecule called DMS or
dimethyl sulfide. When high doses of either DMSO or MSM are
taken, enough DMS is chemically created in the body to cause body
odor. DMS does not contain any extra oxygen atoms, which is why
it causes the odor. The cancer patient will not be able to smell this
severe odor, but others will.
The odor will last for at least 5 days after terminating the treatment.
During the buildup, 12-hour treatment, and for 5 days after, it is
often best to avoid public areas.
Doing the following can dilute the odor:
Bathing twice a day (but not within 2 hours before or after
the treatment)
Changing and washing clothes daily
Airing out the house twice a day
Going for outdoor walks (but staying away from others)
Chapter 9 – The Overnight Cure for Cancer Cancer – Step Outside the Box
Unfortunately, there is no known way to shorten the length of time
that the odor remains after the treatment is terminated. If a
caregiver does not want to smell the DMSO, the caregiver can take 1
or 2 tablespoons of DMSO. By taking the DMSO, the caregiver will
no longer be able to distinctly smell the DMSO because it is now in
their blood.
Additional side effects include:
DMSO can cause vertigo, a side-effect resulting dizziness.
Nausea can also occur if the MSM buildup in the treatment
is too fast or DMSO is orally taken.
Headaches are also possible, not as a result of the treatment,
but as a consequence to the sudden change in diet that
accompanies the protocol (ie. sudden drops in glucose
Repeating the Twelve Hour O.C.C. Protocol for Consecutive Days
The complete 12-hour O.C.C. protocol (not counting the buildup
days) can be administered from 1 to 4 consecutive days. The amount
of time that an individual continues with the protocol depends on
the amount of inflammation, swelling, congestion and/or the type of
cancer that the patient is dealing with. The treatment should be
administered for a longer period of time when the situation is more
When the treatment is continued for more than one day, the most
significant issue that must be dealt with is how well the areas of skin
that the DMSO treatments are being applied to are holding up.
Additional areas for repeated applications of DMSO may be needed.
For continual use, it is important for the patient to take a bath or
shower every night and every morning. Please keep in mind that
the showers or baths should not be taken within 2 hours of the
actual treatment. This is because the pores in the skin should not be
opened during treatment times; this will insure that too much
DMSO does not pass through the skin. The bathing and showering
in between the 12 hour treatments will ensure that the areas of skin
Chapter 9 – The Overnight Cure for Cancer Cancer – Step Outside the Box
that DMSO is being applied to will be hydrated. Remember that
DMSO tends to dehydrate the skin, thereby causing rashes.
Some individuals may want to use the O.C.C. treatment once a week
instead of for consecutive days (ex. for two consecutive Sundays).
Just remember that the odor lasts for several days after each
treatment. In such a case the odor may last for consecutive weeks.
In addition, when undertaking the O.C.C. treatment for more than
one day, the effect of the fasting will be enhanced, as this protocol is
quite potent.
Dealing With the Intensity of the Treatment
If the patient requires a break from the treatment during the hours
that DMSO and MSM are applied, a break can be taken for half an
hour to one hour. This does NOT mean that an application can be
skipped. If a break is needed, the patient must continue with the 25
applications but over a longer period of time. For example, instead
of taking 25 doses over a 12-hour period, patients can take 25 doses
over a 14 or 15-hour period, or longer if needed.
If the protocol is applied over a longer period of time, a 12-hour fast
will still need to be started after the last application. This is very
important because the length of the fasting is an imperative part of
the protocol.
Is the O.C.C. Dangerous?
On occasion, killing certain types of cancer cells can be dangerous.
As previously discussed, as cancer cells die, the immune system is
stimulated to attack these cells, thereby causing the appearance of
inflammation, swelling, and/or congestion. In addition, the death of
the cancer cells creates debris that the body needs time to dispose of.
Since none of the supplements in this treatment, individually or
collectively kill any of the cells whether healthy or cancerous, it is
not expected that the O.C.C. will cause any of the problems
mentioned above. Please keep in mind that part of the reason for
Chapter 9 – The Overnight Cure for Cancer Cancer – Step Outside the Box
the buildup prior to the 12-hour protocol is to catch any problems
early if they should happen.
The O.C.C. should not be combined with any other alternative
cancer treatments because virtually all other alternative cancer
treatments kill cancer cells and create unwanted and dangerous
reactions within the body. In combination with alternative
treatments the O.C.C. could greatly enhance the number of cancer
cells the other treatment kills, thereby creating a dangerous amount
of inflammation, swelling, congestion and/or debris.
In addition, the medical establishment has convinced cancer patients
that it is critical to shrink tumors. In some cases it is, but in vast
majority of cases the shrinking of tumors is not necessary as long as
the cancer cells in the tumor are killed or converted back into
normal cells. Only a small percentage of the tumor cells are
cancerous, as a result, the conversion of these cells back into healthy
cells will not shrink the tumor.
If the size of the tumor is important to the cancer patient (i.e. a
tumor that is pressing against an organ or is blocking the flow of
some fluid), the size of the tumor can be dealt with at a later time by
other treatment methods. However, if the tumor is creating a lifethreatening
situation, such as blocking the passage of vital fluids, it
should be dealt with immediately by orthodox medicine.
A Warning Against Making Changes or Additions to the O.C.C.
As previously mentioned, the eradication of too many cancer cells
can create a dangerous situation within the body. Do not tamper
with this protocol. The ramifications of ignoring these warnings
could result in the O.C.C. protocol enhancing the effectiveness of
the cancer cell eradication, thereby producing dangerous amounts of
inflammation, swelling, congestion and debris.
Overall, during the buildup time and the O.C.C. 12 hour treatment
and for 7-10 days after, refrain from undergoing any other cancer
treatment or aggressive detoxification programs that may kill cancer
Chapter 9 – The Overnight Cure for Cancer Cancer – Step Outside the Box
cells. Detoxification is important but not to the point of causing
exhaustion to the patient.
If the patient has been on a Cesium Chloride treatment, they should
wait for a period of three weeks before commencing the O.C.C.
Enhancements to the O.C.C.
Dry Skin Brushing Massage Therapy, Salt Glow & Aesta
Supreme Far Infrared Therapy.
Dry skin brushing and salt glow therapies are important therapies
that will help enhance the benefits of the O.C.C. These therapies
aid the body by increasing blood circulation and lymphatic
cleansing, directly supporting the O.C.C. protocol in delivering
DMSO and MSM promptly to the cancerous site and facilitating the
elimination of toxins and debris from the body.
Dry Skin-Brushing Massage Therapy
This routine is done morning and night throughout the program
(prior to and during buildup and O.C.C. treatment) and once a day
after the program is completed.
Benefits of Dry Skin-Brushing:
Opens pores, removes toxins and dead skin
Increases blood circulation
Helps to stimulate hormone and oil producing glands
Helps to take the load off other organs by helping the
eliminative system
Helps rejuvenate the nervous system
Helps improve muscle tone and prevent fat deposits
Improves complexion
Improves overall health, which helps against premature
Chapter 9 – The Overnight Cure for Cancer Cancer – Step Outside the Box
Skin-Brushing Tips:
Every two weeks, wash your brush with natural soap and let
it dry in the sun
Never share your brush
Never brush irritated or infected areas of the body
Brush scalp regularly to remove dead skin and to help
promote hair growth
If you brush facial skin, be very gentle, better still, use a
facial skin brush
Below are directions on how to skin-brush:
A long-handled natural bristle brush is best. Never use a
synthetic brush.
Brush skin lightly to start. As the skin becomes more toned
you may brush more heavily.
Start at the bottom of the feet using a rotary or circular
motion and then proceed to the legs, arms, back, abdomen
and chest. Women should avoid doing the breasts. Never
we-brush and always brush towards the heart. Continue
until your skin acquires a red glow. Skin brushing should
take about 10 minutes.
Skin-brush as soon as you wake up and before retiring. This
will refresh the body in the morning and relax it before bed.
A shower should always follow skin brushing. This will
remove uric acid crystals along with any dead skin that has
been loosened.
Always start your shower with warm water and end with
cold. When the water turns cold, let it hit your legs first.
Do not let it hit your heart or head first as this can cause a
slight shock to the body. Once the water is cold, do not
Baths can be unsanitary. When the pores open, they allow
the toxins to be reabsorbed. Avoid hot showers; when
showering in high temperatures; toxic chemicals are carried
in the stream. Warm showers are best if you do not have a
shower filter.
Chapter 9 – The Overnight Cure for Cancer Cancer – Step Outside the Box
Soaps should always be used but do not soap the entire body.
Areas to be soaped are the underarms and groin region.
Rinse soap off thoroughly to avoid clogging of pores.
Skin-Brushing should be started a day before day 1 of the buildup.
This will remove dead skin cells and enhances the delivery of DMSO
and Theta Super Silver.
Salt Glow Therapy
A salt glow should be done after skin brushing. Below are directions
on how to administer a salt glow:
Oil a large soap bowl
Fill with Epson salts
Wet it down with water
Salt should have the texture of wet sand (granular, not
Undress and stand or sit in bathtub. Make sure that you are
secure so you do not slip
Take a handful of salt and rub vigorously in circular motion
towards the heart (same routine as skin-brushing)
Do not skimp on salt
After doing the whole body, repeat, rubbing off the salt from
the first application
Now shower with lukewarm water; going from hot to cold.
When the water turns cold, let it hit your legs first. Do not
let it hit your heart or head first as this can cause a slight
shock to the body
Regular salt glows will help ease constipation, swelling, skin
conditions, poor circulation, fatigue, stiffness, headaches and
A salt glow should be started a day before day 1 of the buildup. This
will remove dead skin cells and enhances the delivery of DMSO and
Theta Super Silver.
Chapter 9 – The Overnight Cure for Cancer Cancer – Step Outside the Box
Aesta Far Infrared Therapy
Aesta Far Infrared Therapy (FIR) has been used for over two
thousand years as a source of natural healing for many illnesses and
discomfort. Activated by heat, the natural earth minerals in Aesta’s
Sauna Dome and Ion Mats emit FIR radiant energy that is absorbed
by human cells, causing a physical phenomenon called resonance.
The cellular activities are instantly invigorated, resulting in a better
circulation and an overall improved metabolism.
The use of both an Aesta Dome and Mat provides 360 degrees of far
infrared heat and the release of negative ions that penetrate 2-3
inches into body tissues. Research has shown that in a 25-45 minute
fever sweat, the toxins that are released from the body are
equivalent to the release of toxins after 10 days of undergoing
regular metabolism. The creation of a false fever has been shown in
studies to be the most effective therapy for the human body. FIR
therapy would be an immense addition to the O.C.C., as its
therapeutic benefits would be greatly enhanced.
After the last administered dose of MSM and DMSO, skin-brushing
should be done each day (during buildup and 12 hour fast). A fever
sweat in the Aesta Supreme, Mat or Dome should be done one hour
after skin-brushing, followed by a shower in non-chlorinated water.
This will prepare the skin for maximum absorption of DMSO and
Super Silver.