There are multitudes of various types of cancers, and the purpose of
this book is not to address specific cancers, but rather to educate the
reader on the particular alternative cancer treatments that work on
the majority of advanced cancers. With this being said, I have
included 2 sections in this chapter on specific cancers: breast cancer
and skin cancer. I have chosen these 2 cancers for differing reasons. I
chose breast cancer since there are specific activities which women
can avoid which will greatly reduce their chance of getting breast
cancer. I chose to elaborate on skin cancer since it is so common and
there are excellent alternative treatment protocols which work
exclusively with cancers of the skin. This chapter is concluded with
a section on Dr. Hulda Clark.
Breast Cancer
Each year, over 225,000 women will be diagnosed with breast cancer
and almost 25% of these women will die of the disease. The U.S. has
one of the highest breast cancer rates in the world. Fifty years ago,
only 1 in 20 women contracted breast cancer. Now, the number is
1 in 7. Since it is so common among women, I have devoted an
entire section of the book to breast cancer.
“Mammograms increase the risk for developing breast
cancer & raise the risk of spreading or metastasizing an
existing growth” Dr. Charles B. Simone
Chapter 10 – 2 Common Cancers and Dr. Clark Cancer – Step Outside the Box
Every October begins the media blitz known as National Breast
Cancer Awareness Month. Pink ribbons abound and the message
you keep hearing is, “Get Your Mammogram!” High profile
companies like Avon and Revlon have joined ranks along with the
Dallas-based Susan G. Komen Foundation’s “Race for the Cure.”
One of the many mottos of the Breast Cancer Awareness Month is
“Early Detection is Your Best Protection.”
So, I guess we’re all ready to wave our pink ribbons, put on those
jogging shoes, and hit the roads, right? Wait a minute! Before we all
get swept away in an emotional whirlwind, we need to look at a few
facts about breast cancer. First of all, who profits from breast cancer?
I know it sounds cynical, but hey, this entire book is focused on
cutting through the propaganda and getting to the truth. And truth
is oftentimes obscured by the emotions of the disease. So, let me ask
you a question. Did you know that the primary sponsor of Breast
Cancer Awareness Month is AstraZeneca? This Big Pharma
company masterminded the initial event in 1985.
AstraZeneca is the company that manufactures the controversial and
widely prescribed breast cancer drug, Tamoxifen. In his book,
Indicted: Cancer Research, Dr. Tibor J. Hegedus, PhD says:
“Tamoxifen is given to women with breast cancer to block the
entrance of estradiol into the tumor cells dependant upon this
hormone to stimulate growth. When the hormones are blocked
from reaching their primary targets, they are forced to travel to
other organs.” This, in turn, stimulates proliferation of cells in the
lining of the womb, and in certain cases causes endometrial cancer!
“Tamoxifen stimulates cell proliferation by sensitizing cells to
proliferative effects of IGF,” wrote L.R. Wiseman, a pathologist at
the Royal Victoria Infirmary. In her article entitled “Tamoxifen,
Tears, and Terror,” Betty Martini writes, “IGF is a hormone
designed to make things grow up, calves and babies, it also
stimulates and accelerates cancer in sensitized women, those taking
Tamoxifen. One of the reasons for the uproar in Monsanto
marketing the bovine growth hormone which is injected into cows
Chapter 10 – 2 Common Cancers and Dr. Clark Cancer – Step Outside the Box
is the outrageous increase in IGF (insulin growth factor) which will
yield a firestorm of cancer from the milk. A chemical company is
selling us a gasoline named Tamoxifen to put out the fire.”
In his book Milk: The Deadly Poison, Robert Cohen states “The
single most disturbing aspect of rBGH from a human safety
standpoint, concerns Insulin-like Growth Factor-1 (IGF-1), which is
linked to breast cancer.” According to Dr. Samuel Epstein, M.D.,
“IGF-1 is not destroyed by pasteurization, survives the digestive
process, is absorbed into the blood and produces potent growth
promoting effects.” Epstein says it is highly likely that IGF-1 helps
transform normal breast tissue to cancerous cells, and enables
malignant human breast cancer cells to invade and spread to distant
Do you get the picture? Can you imagine anyone using both the
rBGH milk and Tamoxifen? In a 1994 article, Betty Martini wrote
“Tamoxifen has been tested and retested for more than 15 years. The
testers admitted fraud, many contraindications were just ignored,
test results were limited in duration and after-effects not tallied,
though women sickened and died from them. The tests didn’t prove
the stuff works, so they’re doing them over again, with your money.
They’ll keep testing until they can figure a way to rig the results in
favor of healthy women buying the poison for a disease we don’t
have, but the drug will give it to us!”
In April l996, the World Health Organization declared Tamoxifen to
be a carcinogen, but AstraZeneca continues to market this toxic
drug. On May 16, 2000, the New York Times reported that the
National Institute for Environmental Health Sciences listed
substances that are known carcinogens. Tamoxifen was included in
that list! Taking a carcinogen to stop the spread the cancer is like
playing Russian Roulette with a fully loaded machine gun! The
journal Science published a study from Duke University Medical
Center in 1999 showing that after 2-5 years, tamoxifen actually
initiated the growth of breast cancer!
Chapter 10 – 2 Common Cancers and Dr. Clark Cancer – Step Outside the Box
It is less known that AstraZeneca also makes herbicides and
fungicides. One of their products, the organochlorine pesticide,
Acetochlor is implicated as a causal factor in breast cancer. Millions
of tons of toxic substances are now released into the environment
each and every year. Yet only 3% percent of the 80,000 chemicals in
use have been tested for safety. (Sharon Batt, “Cancer, Inc”, Sierra
Magazine, September-October 1999, p. 36) These toxic time bombs
are found in our water, air, and soil. But why is there such a
deafening silence when it comes to environmental toxicity,
carcinogens found in herbicides, pesticides, plastics, and other toxic
chemicals that are known to cause cancer…especially breast cancer?
Did you know that the American Cancer Society was founded with
the support of the Rockefeller family in 1913? Members of the
chemical and pharmaceutical industry have long held important
positions on the ACS board of directors. Could that have any bearing
on the curious silence concerning environmental causes of cancer?
Just a thought….
Sadly, breast cancer has become the darling of corporate America.
Companies use the pink ribbon to sell their products and boost their
image with consumers as they boost their bottom line. Meanwhile,
breast cancer rates continue to rise every year. There can be many
contributing factors to breast cancer, and this chapter is by no means
comprehensive, but I have focused on 3 causes which are easily
Let me highlight the top 3 causes of breast cancer that are directly
controllable by women: 1) Mammograms, 2) Antiperspirants, and
3) Bras. You might find this list quite startling but you will begin to
understand as I outline the role each of these plays in breast cancer
Cause #1: Mammograms
“Mammograms increase the risk for developing breast cancer and
raise the risk of spreading or metastasizing an existing growth,” says
Chapter 10 – 2 Common Cancers and Dr. Clark Cancer – Step Outside the Box
Dr. Charles Simone, former NCI associate in immunology and
pharmacology. www.mercola.com/2000/oct/29/breast_cancer_awareness.htm
A mammogram is an X-ray picture of your breast that can reveal
tumor growths otherwise undetectable in a physical exam. Like all
X-rays, mammograms use doses of ionizing radiation to create this
image. Radiologists then analyze the image for any abnormal
growths. Is mammography an effective tool for detecting tumors?
Many physicians say “no.” In a Swedish study of 60,000 women,
70% of the tumors detected by mammograms turned out to be false
positives. These “false positives” are not only emotional and
financial strains on the victims, but they also lead to many
superfluous and invasive biopsies. (Lidbrink, E., et al. British
Medical Journal, February 3, 1996, pp. 273-276).
According to Dr. Russell L. Blaylock, M.D., one estimate is that
annual radiological breast exams increase the risk of breast cancer by
2% a year. So over 10 years the risk will have increased 20%. In his
book, The Politics of Cancer, Dr. Samuel Epstein, M.D., states
“Regular mammography of younger women increases their cancer
risks. Analysis of controlled trials over the last decade has shown
consistent increases in breast cancer mortality within a few years of
commencing screening. This confirms evidence of the high
sensitivity of the premenopausal breast, and on cumulative
carcinogenic effects of radiation.” (The Politics Of Cancer, p. 539).
In 1995, the British medical journal The Lancet reported that, since
mammographic screening was introduced in 1983, the incidence of
ductal carcinoma in situ (DCIS), which represents 12% of all breast
cancer cases, has increased by 328%, and 200% of this increase is
due to the use of mammography. Why, then, does conventional
medicine keep recommending mammograms? Do the math: a $150
mammogram for all 70 million U.S. women over 40 is a whopping
$10 BILLION per year industry.
There is a superior alternative: advanced thermography. This
procedure does not use mechanical pressure or ionizing radiation,
Chapter 10 – 2 Common Cancers and Dr. Clark Cancer – Step Outside the Box
and can detect signs of breast cancer years earlier than either
mammography or a physical exam. Thermography is able to detect
the possibility of breast cancer much earlier, because it can image
the early stages of angiogenesis. Angiogenesis is the formation of a
direct supply of blood to cancer cells, which is a necessary step
before they can grow into tumors.
Thermographic breast screening is brilliantly simple. Thermography
measures the radiation of infrared heat from a woman’s body and
translates this information into anatomical images. Normal blood
circulation is under the control of the autonomic nervous system,
which governs unconscious body functions. To screen for breast
cancer, a thermographer blows cool air over a woman’s breasts. In
response, the autonomic nervous system reduces the amount of
blood going to the breast, as a temperature-regulating measure.
However, the pool of blood and primitive blood vessels that cancer
cells create is not under autonomic control and is unaffected by the
cool air. It will therefore stand out clearly on the thermographic
image as a “hot spot.” www.alternativemedicine.com/
Cause #2: Shaving & AntiPerspirants
Research shows that one of the leading causes of breast cancer could
be the use of antiperspirants. The human body has a number of areas
that it uses to purge toxins from the body, these are, behind the
knees, behind the ears, the groin area, and the underarms. The
toxins are purged from the body in the form of sweat (perspiration).
The main problems with antiperspirants is that, as the name clearly
suggests, they prevent you from perspiring, thus inhibiting the body
from purging toxins from the underarm area.
Where do the toxins go? Well, that’s the problem. These toxins do
not just magically disappear. Instead, the body deposits them in the
lymph nodes below the arms since it cannot sweat them out. This
causes a high concentration of toxins and leads to cell mutations:
CANCER. Numerous clinical studies, dating back decades, have
shown that nearly all breast cancers occur in the upper outer
Chapter 10 – 2 Common Cancers and Dr. Clark Cancer – Step Outside the Box
quadrant of the breast. This basic observation has now become
textbook fact. Guess what…this is precisely where the lymph nodes
are located!
In 2004, Dr. Kris McGrath, a Chicago allergist, performed a study
published in the European Journal of Cancer Prevention which he
claims is the first to find a connection between antiperspirants,
underarm shaving, and cancer. He studied 400 Chicago-area breast
cancer survivors and found that women “who performed these
underarm habits more aggressively” had a diagnosis of breast cancer
22 years earlier than the non-users and theorized that substances
found in deodorants, such as aluminum chlorohydrate, were
entering the lymphatic system through nicks in the skin caused by
shaving. www.nbc5.com/health/2747353/detail.html
There are several excellent brands of aluminum free deodorants
available now. However, be sure that the deodorant you choose does
not contain parabens. Parabens are used as preservatives, and on the
label they may be listed as methyl paraben, ethyl paraben, propyl
paraben, butyl paraben, isobutyl paraben or E216. Here’s why:
researchers have also found traces of parabens in every sample of
tissue taken from 20 different breast tumors. Studies suggest that
parabens (found in underarm deodorants and other cosmetics) can
seep into the tissue after being applied to the skin. This finding
concerns researchers since parabens have been shown to be able to
mimic the action of the female hormone estrogen, which can drive
the growth of human breast tumors. (Routledge et al, 1998; Byford
et al, 2001).
Men are much less likely to develop breast cancer prompted by the
use of antiperspirants, because the antiperspirant is more likely to be
caught in the underarm hair, rather than directly applied to the skin.
However, women who shave their underarms increase the risk of
cancer by causing barely visible nicks in the skin, which allow the
chemicals to enter easily into the body through the underarms.
Chapter 10 – 2 Common Cancers and Dr. Clark Cancer – Step Outside the Box
Cause #3: Wearing a bra
The connection between bras and the development of breast cancer
was reinforced in a study conducted on the Fiji Islands. In 1997,
medical anthropologist Sidney Singer compared the incidence of
breast cancer in two groups of women in Fiji. Half of the women
wore bras and the other half went without. The diet, environment
and lifestyle of both groups were the same. Singer discovered that
those who wore bras had the same rate of breast cancer as American
women. Those who went bra-less experienced practically no breast
cancer whatsoever. In her book entitled Dressed to Kill: The Link
Between Breast Cancer and Bras, Sydney Singer and Soma
Grismaijer presented some startling statistics.
Are you ready for this?
Women wearing a bra 24 hours a day had a 3 in 4 chance of
developing breast cancer
Women wearing their bras more than 12 hours a day, but
not to bed, had a 1 in 7 chance of developing breast cancer
Women wearing bras less than 12 hours a day had a 1 in 152
chance of developing breast cancer
Women who rarely or never wore bras, had a 1 in 168
chance of developing breast cancer
Why? According to Dr. David Williams, M.D. “wearing a bra at least
14 hours a day tends to increase the hormone prolactin, which
decreases circulation in the breast tissue. Decreasing circulation can
impede your body’s natural removal of carcinogenic fluids that
become trapped in the breast’s sac-like glands (lymph nodes).
These glands make up the largest mass of lymph nodes in the upper
part of your body’s lymphatic system.” www.shirleys-wellnesscafe.
Chapter 10 – 2 Common Cancers and Dr. Clark Cancer – Step Outside the Box
Apparently, the restrictive nature of bras inhibits the lymphatic
system (our internal network of vessels and nodes that flushes
wastes from the body) from doing its job. The mammary glands are
filled with lymphatic vessels that move from the breast, through the
axillary lymph nodes under the armpit, over the collar bone, to the
thoracic duct. This is how the breast drains toxins and keeps its
internal environment clean. However, if something impedes the
cleansing process, an imbalance occurs and the estrogen by-products
become destructive molecules called free radicals that begin cellular
damage which leads to breast cancer.
The correlation between bras and breast cancer is 4 times greater
than smoking is to lung cancer! Pushup bras are said to be the most
restrictive. If you cannot discontinue wearing a bra, consider
wearing one as little as possible, and use a bra that allows some
breast motion, without cutting tightly under and along the outer
edges of the breasts where the milk ducts are located.
Now get the picture in your mind of the topics just discussed; we
have a constricted lymphatic system causing a toxic backup in the
mammary glands, which (in some cases) gets presented annually to a
clinic to get squished and assaulted with X-rays. Hmmmmm…this
sounds like a perfect scenario to produce cancer.
Dr. Lorraine Day, M.D., was diagnosed with invasive breast cancer
and had a lumpectomy of a small tumor. But the tumor soon
recurred, became very aggressive and grew rapidly. As a physician,
Dr. Day was well aware that physicians are more afraid of cancer
than patients are, because doctors know that chemotherapy,
radiation and surgery are not the answer to cancer. Rather, she used
Gerson Therapy (a very strict nutritional regimen with coffee
enemas) to cure her cancer. If you are interested in more
information about how Dr. Day cured her breast cancer, she has a
very informative website: www.drday.com. She is also a very
committed Christian.
Chapter 10 – 2 Common Cancers and Dr. Clark Cancer – Step Outside the Box
Skin Cancer
Skin cancer is usually associated with a limited set of risk factors
connected to ultraviolet (UV) radiation. These include excessive sun
exposure (especially during adolescence), red or blonde hair, and fair
skin. More than 1.5 million skin cancers are diagnosed yearly in the
U.S. alone. According to the Skin Cancer Foundation, as of 2006,
about 1 in 5 Americans and 1 in 3 Caucasians will develop skin
cancer in their lifetime. Skin cancer is the most common of all
cancers, representing 1 out of every 3 new cancers.
There are 2 main types of skin cancer:
1. Skin cancer in moles (malignant melanoma)
2. Non-melanoma skin cancer (basal cell carcinoma and
squamous cell carcinoma)
Melanoma is the most serious form of skin cancer. Melanoma is a
malignant tumor that originates in melanocytes, which are cells that
produce the pigment melanin that colors our skin, hair, and eyes and
is heavily concentrated in most moles. If you have melanoma which
has metastasized to other parts of the body, then you need to
seriously consider a strong Stage IV cancer treatment. Once
metastasis has occurred with melanoma, it is very serious and
usually deadly, especially if treated with the “Big 3.” The treatments
mentioned in this chapter are not applicable to malignant melanoma
that has metastasized. Let me repeat myself. The treatments
mentioned in this chapter are not applicable to malignant melanoma
that has metastasized!
There are 2 non-melanoma skin cancers: basal cell carcinoma (BCC)
and squamous cell carcinoma (SCC). BCC is a cancer that begins in
the deep basal cell layer of the epidermis (the outer layer of the
skin). It is the most frequent type of skin cancer and is 6 to 8 times
more common than malignant melanoma. BCC is a slow-growing
cancer and it never spreads to other parts of the body. SCC begins in
the squamous cells of the epidermis and is not as common as BCC,
Chapter 10 – 2 Common Cancers and Dr. Clark Cancer – Step Outside the Box
however it grows much faster than BCC especially when located
near the eyes, ears, mouth, or the pubic area. Chronic exposure to
sunlight is the cause of almost all BCCs and SCCs, which occur most
frequently on exposed parts of the body (the face, ears, neck, scalp,
shoulders, and back). Occasionally, they develop in non-exposed
The external treatment of skin cancer with escharotic pastes and
salves actually seeks out and destroys cancer cells. Escharotic pastes
and salves are caustic compounds that are applied externally on the
skin over the skin cancer. They successfully erode the tissue and
eventually destroy and remove the underlying tumor. Empirical case
studies to date show that escharotic salves have successfully removed
(cured) every malignant carcinoma, adenocarcinoma (i.e. breast
cancer), and even melanoma, to which it has been applied.
The two most respected and well-known authorities in the use of
the escharotic approach were American doctors J. Weldon Fell and
Frederic E. Mohs. Dr. Fell was a faculty member at New York
University and later was one of the founders of the New York
Academy of Medicine. In the early 1850s, he moved to London and
built up a very successful cancer treatment practice based on
escharotic therapy using bloodroot (sanguinaria canadensis) and zinc
chloride as the foundation. Bloodroot is one of the most beautiful
eastern North American woodland herbs and was commonly used to
treat cancer by the Native Americans.
Dr. Frederic Mohs called his approach “chemosurgery“ and used an
adhesive paste. His was more an integrative approach that combined
the use of the escharotic paste with surgical tumor removal. His
contribution was enormous as he put the procedure on a very sound,
scientific footing, with a tremendous amount of research. He wrote a
medical text entitled Chemosurgery: Microscopically controlled
Surgery for Skin Cancer which was last published in 1978. The
medical “soundness” of his approach was underscored in a 1990
report that stated he had a verifiable and documented 99% success
rate in his treatment of skin cancers!
Chapter 10 – 2 Common Cancers and Dr. Clark Cancer – Step Outside the Box
The cancer-killing concoction of zinc chloride, bloodroot, and other
substances was “recreated” in the 20th century and named Cansema
Black Topical Salve. Cansema is a topical ointment that, when
applied to skin cancer, kills the cancer cells and creates an “eschar”
(a pus formation). The body then expels the “scab” and leaves a “pit”
in the skin. Over the next few weeks, the “pit” heals over, usually
leaving a slightly discolored area where the lesion was removed.
Typically, this area will heal over within a period of several months,
making it difficult to tell that a cancer was removed from the site.
Alpha Omega Labs used to be the top U.S. manufacturer of Cansema.
However, on September 17, 2003 the FDA effectively suspended the
activities at the Alpha Omega Labs fulfillment center in Louisiana
and arrested owner Greg Caton. In all, Mr. Caton estimates that the
FDA stole (I mean “confiscated”) $250,000 worth of materials and
$400,000 worth of buildings. In case you haven’t realized it, the
FDA, heavily populated by former (and future) Big Pharma
executives, has a long history of aggressively attempting to close
down businesses that produce natural cancer treatments, even if (or
perhaps that should be especially if) the treatments work.
Oftentimes, this involves raiding, arresting, prosecuting, and
imprisoning the owners of the companies. Terrorist-type raids have
become far too common in the realm of alternative cancer
treatments. www.goodhealthinfo.net/cancer/fda_panacea.htm
At the current time, the only way to get the official Cansema
formula, that I know of, is from CentreForce, an Australian
company who ships to the U.S. Their website is
www.health.CentreForce.com. However, please note the following
quote from their website: “The TGA (Australian equivalent of the
FDA) in Australia have prevented Centreforce Australia from
providing you with Cansema Salve treatment for Humans, untill
such time as the product has been included in the ARTG (Australian
Register of Therapeutic Goods) for human therapeutic use.”
Similar to Greg Caton at Alpha Omega Labs, if they try to sell
Cansema for “human use,” the owners at CentreForce could face jail
Chapter 10 – 2 Common Cancers and Dr. Clark Cancer – Step Outside the Box
terms. However, CentreForce Black Salve is still available for
animals. Again, directly from their website: “Although The TGA
have prevented us from supplying Cansema Black Salve for Human
Therapeutic use, the ingredients are the same as the Animal version
and these instructions prevail for all Animals.” So, if you need to
purchase Cansema for your dog or your cat, then this is the place for
you! Apparently, it works really great on cancer in cats and dogs,
but not humans (sarcasm intended). It’s sad when you have to play
these kind of “word games” on your website in order to sell a
product that cures cancer, isn’t it? I recently purchased a small
amount of Cansema for my Grandmother’s skin cancer on her
forehead. It cured her cancer within 3 weeks!
Another recommended vendor is McAdam Health, Inc. located in
Livingston, Montana (www.bloodrootproducts.com/cansema_deep.htm)
and the product is called Cansema Salve Deep Tissue. What makes
this product interesting is the fact that it contains DMSO. The
manufacturers have found that the DMSO has increased the
transdermal properties of Cansema for applications where greater
depth through the dermal layers is either desirable or necessary.
This is nothing new, as we have already seen how DMSO acts as an
effective “carrier” agent for other substances.
Warning: Do not take any escharotic cancer salves internally. To
learn more, I recommend that you visit the following website which
contains numerous frequently asked questions about Cansema:
Vitamin C is another viable treatment for skin cancer. When
vitamin C comes into contact with skin cancer, it hardens the tumor
and forms a crust, such that the scab falls off in a couple of weeks or
so depending on how big the tumor is and how aggressive you get
with the vitamin C. The solution is made by adding 1/8 teaspoon of
pure vitamin C crystals to 1 teaspoon of water (a ratio of 1:8). If you
add any more vitamin C, it will not dissolve. This should make
enough solution to last all day. If more is made than is needed you
should store it in a closed container in the refrigerator.
Chapter 10 – 2 Common Cancers and Dr. Clark Cancer – Step Outside the Box
The treatment is to apply the mixture (using a cotton swab or Q-Tip)
to the tumor. This should be done 2 or 3 times a day. It is best to put
a bandage or other cotton covering over the tumor after each
treatment, if possible. Since vitamin C (ascorbic acid) is also antiinfective
and is used topically and IV for burn patients, you would
be curing the cancer and fighting infection at the same time. The
recommended form of vitamin C crystals comes from the Life
Extension Foundation: www.lef.org/newshop/items/item00084.html
According to Dr. William M. Wassell, M.D., “So we see that blood
concentrations of 2+mg/ml vitamin C are tumorcidal, (i.e. they kill
tumors) and we are applying a solution of 500mg/ml directly in
contact with the tumor cell surface. This solution is 250X stronger
than the concentration required in blood to be tumorcidal.
Apparently enough gets absorbed through the surface to kill the
tumor.” www.cancertutor.com/Cancer02/VitaminC.html
Another alternative cancer treatment for skin cancer is colloidal
silver. It can be purchased from many vendors. I used to have a
colloidal silver generator and made my own colloidal silver, so I am
very familiar with this product. Two things to look for with colloidal
silver are 1) purity of silver and 2) the size of the silver particles. The
higher purity and smaller size will yield the best colloidal silver. The
reason is that the smaller the bits of silver, the more surface area of
silver touches the cancer cells. The more surface area, the better.
Ever wonder what two of the “3 Wise Men” in the Bible were
thinking? I mean, if I was going to bring a gift to celebrate the birth
of my Savior, I would probably bring platinum or gold. But one wise
man brought myrrh and another brought frankincense. What are
these anyway? Frankincense and myrrh are both resins (dried tree
sap) that come from trees of the genus Boswellia (frankincense) and
Commiphora (myrhh), which are common to Somalia. Well,
researchers at Virginia Tech’s college of veterinary medicine
recently presented findings to the ACS about the effectiveness of
treating skin cancer in horses with frankincense. Apparently,
frankincense oil was a valuable treatment for wounds 2,000 years
Chapter 10 – 2 Common Cancers and Dr. Clark Cancer – Step Outside the Box
ago. It may prove to be a valuable skin cancer treatment for humans,
since horses with malignant melanoma have several similarities to
humans with the same disease.
Frankincense is “carrier oil” in that it penetrates membranes and cell
walls. Frankincense is one of the few substances known to cross the
blood barrier. A cancerous cell wall loses its ability to transfer
substances across the membrane. Therefore, not all herbs or
medications can effect a cancerous cell. However, “carrier” agents
like frankincense, DMSO, and very alkaline minerals like cesium are
highly penetrable across the membranes and have the opportunity
to act on a cancerous cell or a brain tissue that is separated by the
blood brain barrier.
Myrrh may actually have some amazing medical capabilities,
scientists are now discovering. Researchers at Rutgers University
have found two compounds in myrrh that are strong painkillers,
another compound that helps lower cholesterol, and most recently, a
potent anti-cancer agent. What makes myrrh such an exciting player
in the anti-cancer field is not only how well it kills cancer cells in
general, but how it kills those that are resistant to other anti-cancer
drugs. “The myrrh compound definitely appears to be unique in this
way; it is working where other compounds have failed,” says Dr.
Mohamed M. Rafi, an assistant professor in the department of food
science at Rutgers.
Myrrh is believed to work by inactivating a protein called Bcl-2, a
natural factor that is overproduced by cancer cells, particularly in
the breast and prostate. When levels of this protein go too high, say
experts, it not only promotes the growth of more abnormal cells, it
can also make those cells resistant to anti-cancer drugs. In Dr. Rafi’s
laboratory research, the myrrh compound was able to inactivate the
protein in a line of breast tumor cells known as MCF-7, cells that in
the past were particularly resistant to treatment.
So, those wise men might have been on to something, huh?
Chapter 10 – 2 Common Cancers and Dr. Clark Cancer – Step Outside the Box
Dr. Hulda Clark
A book on cancer would not be complete without including at least
a summary of Dr. Hulda Clark’s work. Her Doctorate is in biophysics
and cell physiology, and she has written the books The Cure for All
Cancers, The Cure for All Diseases, and The Cure for HIV and AIDS.
To make it easier to understand Dr. Clark’s work, I will briefly give
you an outline of her methods, which are, in essence, very simple.
Basically, through many years of research, Dr. Clark has discovered
that there seemed to be two predisposing factors involved with
every case of cancer she encountered. One is the presence of a
parasite, the human intestinal fluke, also referred to as “Fasciolopsis
buski.” The other is the presence of various solvents and toxins
within the body (including isopropyl alcohol) which, combined
with the parasites, set up the needed conditions for the onset of
cancer. Isopropyl alcohol (in trace amounts) can be found in bottled
water, cold cereals, sodas, shampoos, hair sprays, cosmetics,
aftershave, sodas, coffee, and processed foods.
Dr. Clark is best known for a device which she called “the Zapper,”
which was basically the result of an accident. The zapper came about
when Clark’s son decided to build a battery-operated frequency
generator in order to help Clark’s patients kill the human intestinal
fluke, a parasite that Clark claims is always detected in the liver of
cancer victims. However, when the battery-powered generator was
first used, all detected pathogens were killed at once. Clark said that
this had never happened before, and that after further
experimentation, they discovered that battery operation itself was
responsible for this amazing breakthrough. Namely, battery
operation meant that the frequency went from positive to zero
voltage, instead of positive to negative voltage as in the A/C powered
generators. This was Clark’s famous “positive-offset” wave, meaning
that finding the specific frequency to kill each pathogen is no longer
necessary. Simply using a frequency in the range that kills
microorganisms, with a positive offset wave, will kill or devitalize a
Chapter 10 – 2 Common Cancers and Dr. Clark Cancer – Step Outside the Box
wide variety of microorganisms (including parasites, bacteria,
viruses, and fungi) in about an hour.
She has an extensive list of common every day items which contain
traces of cancer causing chemicals such as arsenic, barium, cobalt,
lead, radon, and tin. In order to avoid these chemicals, Dr. Clark
recommends the following “radical” actions:
change your copper water pipes to plastic,
get rid of possible asbestos sources (hair dryer & clothes
remove all chemicals from your house,
have your house tested for radon,
board your pets with a friend,
remove all possible formaldehyde,
remove all possible arsenic (wallpaper glue, bug killers, lawn
chemicals, etc.),
and check your home for exposed fiberglass.
And that’s just the tip of the iceberg! I don’t know about you, but
that’s enough to make my head start spinning!
One interesting similarity between Dr. Clark’s theories and other
theories on cancer relates to mycotoxins (fungal toxins). Earlier in
the book, I mentioned a book written by Dr. Doug Kaufman entitled
The Germ that Causes Cancer, in which Kaufman hypothesizes that
cancer is a deep-rooted fungal infection that our immune system
fails to recognize. In parts of Africa, aflatoxin (the #1 mycotoxin) is
considered the number one cause of liver cancer due to the eating of
moldy food. The liver seems most susceptible to damage from
aflatoxin when isopropyl alcohol is consumed in ordinary food
stuffs, and the intestinal fluke enters the field, paving the way for
cancer. The difference between persons who accumulate isopropyl
alcohol and those who metabolize it promptly is the presence of
aflatoxin in the former. We eat aflatoxin every day, as it is found in
bulk grains, brown rice, overripe fruit, and in most nuts and nut
butters. Basically, according to Dr. Clark, if you are eating out of the
grocery store, you are eating aflatoxin every day, thus making your
body more susceptible to cancer.
Chapter 10 – 2 Common Cancers and Dr. Clark Cancer – Step Outside the Box
Dr. Clark recommends washing all foods with ozonated water, since
ozone can render any toxin less toxic, kill all forms of molds, and
eliminate parasite eggs found on garden vegetables. You simply fill
the kitchen sink with tap water, drop in an air stone (a ceramic
aerator at the end of a plastic tube which is attached to an ozonator),
and bubble ozone gas through the water for 10 minutes, while the
vegetables, grains, or beans soak. She has tested and verified that this
cleans up this situation, making the food suitable and safe for
Dr. Clark also theorizes that all cancers are in some way involved
with freon gas that leaks out from our refrigerators. It gets into our
bodies and just lays dormant, making whatever organ susceptible to
cancer development. However, ozonated water can actually
mobilize this toxin unlike anything else. By drinking ozonated
water, not only is the intestinal tract cleaned up of yeasts like
Candida, and bacteria like salmonella, but once in the blood, freon
(CFCs) can be mobilized and removed from the body.
How do you get rid of parasites? Clark claims that 3 herbs can rid
you of over 100 types of parasites, without so much as a headache
and without nausea. These “miracle” herbs are:
Black Walnut Hulls (from the black walnut tree)
Wormwood (from the Artemisia shrub)
Common Cloves (from the clove tree)
These three herbs must be used together. Black walnut hull and
wormwood kill adults and developmental stages of at least 100
parasites. Cloves kill the eggs. Only if you use them together will
you rid yourself of parasites. If you kill only the adults, the tiny
stages and eggs will soon grow into new adults. If you kill only the
eggs, the million stages already loose in your body will soon grow
into adults and make more eggs. They must be used together as a
single treatment.
Chapter 10 – 2 Common Cancers and Dr. Clark Cancer – Step Outside the Box
Despite the fact that her treatment actions are overwhelming, Dr.
Clark’s theories about the cause of cancer are not that radical. In her
book The Cure for All Cancers, Dr. Clark devotes over 200 pages to
cover over 100 case studies. It is truly fascinating reading. At least
three dozen of her case studies followed her instructions
meticulously and were cured. Dr. Clark also includes dozens of
cases of patients who failed to follow her regimen, thus lending
credibility to the book.
According to Dr. Clark, the killing of all parasites and their larval
stages together with removal of isopropyl alcohol and carcinogens
from the cancer patient’s lifestyle results in remarkable recovery,
generally noticeable in less than one week. Dr. Clark says, “How
can propyl alcohol in shampoo get into your body in significant
amounts? The skin is more absorbent than we realize, and time and
time again I see cancer victims who have gone off every body
product except their favorite shampoo. They harbor propyl alcohol
until they make that final sacrifice. It is better, to switch shampoos
than to not need any due to radiation and chemotherapy!”
Not surprisingly, despite Clark’s outstanding credentials, years of
research, and concern for patients’ health, Clark has been heavily
persecuted by the Medical Establishment. She has been laughed at,
labeled a quack, and forced to move her practice to Mexico.
Unfortunately, for now, the best cancer doctors are “criminals” in
the USA, and those wanting to continue to practice must move their
practices out of the country. You see, a publicized cure for cancer
would cost Big Pharma too much money. And sadly, when it’s
money versus a patient’s life, money usually wins.
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