For decades, most people have seen a visit to the dentist and
subsequent cavity filling as a necessary and regular procedure. Side
effects have not routinely been brought to light, so few have
challenged the status quo. Evidence suggests, however, that such an
apparently harmless procedure can have serious detrimental effects.
Did you know that dental amalgam, popularly called “silver fillings,”
are actually 50% mercury? Mercury is a deadly poison, and it wreaks
havoc with the human body. The mercury contained in dental
amalgam would be hazardous waste in a river, yet it’s sitting in your
mouth. What is wrong with this picture?
Amalgam dental fillings have been shown to be 100%
safe. There is no relationship between fillings, mercury,
and Alzheimer’s Disease.
Amalgam dental fillings create “toxic teeth.” For several
decades, it has been known that heavy metals,
including mercury, are a cause of Alzheimer’s disease
and multiple other chronic health problems.
Chapter 20 – Mercury & Alzheimer’s Cancer – Step Outside the Box
In the last chapter, we learned about the danger of vaccinations due
to the toxic ingredients, including mercury and aluminum. In this
chapter, we will look closely at the relationship between “silver”
amalgam (i.e. mercury) dental fillings, and Alzheimer’s disease.
Mercury Madness. Have you ever read Alice in Wonderland? Do
you remember the “Mad Hatter?” Did you know that the term “mad
as a hatter” originated from a disease peculiar to the hat making
industry in the 1800s? A complicated set of processes was needed to
turn the fur into a finished hat. With the cheaper sorts of fur, an
early step was to brush a solution of a mercury compound on the fur
to roughen the fibers. This caused the hatters to breathe in the
fumes of this highly toxic metal, leading to an accumulation of
mercury in the hatter’s bodies. This resulted in symptoms such as
trembling (known as “hatters’ shakes”), slurred speech, loss of
coordination, anxiety, personality changes, depression, and memory
loss. This eventually became known as “Mad Hatter Syndrome,” and
is still used today to describe mercury poisoning.
The ADA continues to remain in denial about the toxicity of
mercury. In an ADA news release on June 13, 2001, ADA President
Robert Anderton stated, “There is no sound scientific evidence
supporting a link between amalgam fillings and systemic diseases or
chronic illness.” Shame on you Dr. Anderton! This is a blatant lie.
All evidence indicates that “silver” amalgam fillings (which typically
contain close to 50% mercury) are extremely toxic to the human
body. The now deceased Dr. Patrick Störtebecker, M.D., Ph.D., the
world renowned neurologist and writer from Stockholm, Sweden,
wrote in his book Mercury Poisoning from Dental Amalgam – a
Hazard to Human Brain, “Dental amalgam is a highly unstable metal
that easily gives off mercury vapor. The most dangerous route for
transport of mercury vapor, being released from dental amalgams, is
from the mucous membranes of the upper nasal cavity and directly
upwards to the brain where mercury vapor easily penetrates the
dura mater (i.e. blood-brain barrier). Mercury (vapor) can act in a
much stronger concentration straight on the brain cells.”
Chapter 20 – Mercury & Alzheimer’s Cancer – Step Outside the Box
You wouldn’t take a leaky thermometer, put it in your mouth, and
leave it there 24 hours a day, would you? But, according to Dr.
Michael Ziff, executive director of the International Academy of
Oral Medicine and Toxicology (IAOMT), that is “exactly what
happens when an amalgam filling is installed in your mouth.”
According to Tom Warren, “Worldwide there are over 4000
research papers indicating mercury is a highly toxic substance.
How can dentists be so thoughtless as to place one of the
deadliest toxins in existence 2 inches from our brain?”
Evidence now demonstrates that amalgam fillings are constantly
being broken down and then are released into the mouth. These
minute particles of mercury filling are then acted upon by oral and
intestinal bacteria to produce methyl mercury (an even more toxic
form of mercury than elemental mercury) with target areas being
primarily the pituitary gland, thyroid gland, and the brain. That’s
right, the brain! After the fillings have been inserted into the mouth,
subtle changes in blood chemistry have been observed that point to
specific chronic disease, e.g., cancer, multiple sclerosis (MS), and
Alzheimer’s. The difficulty in recognizing the “amalgam connection”
to chronic disease is that clinical symptoms are not present until the
patient’s immune system collapses, which may be in 40 or 50 years.
So how much mercury is in your mouth? There is approximately ½
gram of mercury in each dental filling. You may think that since you
only have a couple of mercury fillings it’s not a big deal. Think
again. According to Dr. Richard Fischer, past president of the
IAOMT, “Dental amalgam (‘silver’) fillings contribute more mercury
to the body burden in humans than all other sources (dietary, air,
water, vaccines, etc.) combined. These fillings contain 50% mercury
– which is more neurotoxic than lead, cadmium, or even arsenic. To
put this in perspective, the amount of mercury contained in one
average size filling exceeds the U.S. E.P.A. standard for human
exposure for over 100 years. Put in other terms, it takes only ½ gram
of mercury (the amount in one filling) to contaminate all fish in a
10-acre lake.” www.gifam.org/article-4.htm
Chapter 20 – Mercury & Alzheimer’s Cancer – Step Outside the Box
According to Pam Floener, spokesperson for the IAOMT, “The
metallic mercury used by dentists to manufacture dental amalgam is
shipped as a hazardous material to the dental office. When amalgams
are removed, for whatever reason, they are treated as hazardous
waste and are required to be disposed of in accordance with OSHA
regulations and it is inconceivable that the mouth could be
considered a safe storage container for this toxic material.”
So, let me get this straight…if a dentist were to dump some mercury
amalgam in a lake, he’d be breaking the law. But if this same dentist
dumps some mercury in your mouth (via dental amalgam fillings),
then it’s completely legal and would no longer be considered a
threat to the environment. “I don’t feel comfortable using a
substance designated by the Environmental Protection Agency to be
a waste disposal hazard. I can’t throw it in the trash, bury it in the
ground, or put it in a landfill, but they say it is OK to put it in
people’s mouths. That doesn’t make sense.” - Richard Fischer, D.D.S.
According to Dr. Dietrich Klinghardt, M.D., Ph.D. mercury toxicity
expert at the American Academy of Neural Therapy, “As soon as
anybody has any type of medical illness or symptom, whether
medical or emotional, the amalgam fillings should be removed and
the mercury residues should be eliminated from the body, especially
the brain.” www.gifam.org/article-4.htm Dr. Klinghardt’s axiom is
as follows: “Most – if not all – chronic infectious diseases are not
caused by a failure of the immune system, but are a conscious
adaptation of the immune system to an otherwise lethal heavy metal
But don’t expect your dentist to jump on board with you if you ask
to have your fillings removed. According to the ADA’s code of
ethics, a dentist who acknowledges that mercury amalgam fillings
are toxic and recommends their removal has acted unethically.
According to ADA Resolution 42H-1986, “The removal of amalgam
restorations from the non-allergic patient for the alleged purpose of
removing toxic substances from the body when such treatment is
Chapter 20 – Mercury & Alzheimer’s Cancer – Step Outside the Box
performed solely at the recommendation of the dentist is improper
and unethical....” What? Unethical to remove toxic poison from your
mouth? Yet more proof that the ADA is still in the Dark Ages…
Did you know that dentists have the highest rate of suicide of any
profession? They also suffer a high incidence of depression and
memory disorders. Two of the effects of mercury poisoning are loss
of memory and depression. Do you think the high rate of suicide
(due to depression) and memory disorders in dentists has anything
to do with low-level mercury exposure over several years? This is
mercury toxicity, plain and simple.
The Alzheimer’s Connection. You may have heard that lead
poisoning is suspected to cause Alzheimer’s, but according to Dr.
Marcia Basciano, D.D.S., “The maximum amount of mercury that
the Environment Protection Agency allows people to be exposed to
is 5,000 times smaller than the permissible amount of lead exposure;
in other words the EPA apparently considers mercury to be 5,000
times more toxic than lead.” www.whale.to/vaccine/quotes19.html
It is likely that the most common cause of Alzheimer’s disease is due
to toxic mercury that leaches from amalgam dental fillings. Dr.
Charles Williamson, co-director of the Toxic Studies Institute, states
“there are studies from world renowned institutions that
categorically show a cause-and-effect relationship between mercury
and disease; this is particularly true of Alzheimer’s.”
According to Dr. Murray Vimy, a researcher from the University of
Calgary, Canada, and member of the WHO: “On March 9, 1995, a
friend faxed to me her mother’s autopsy report from Mayo Clinic.
Her mother died of AD (Alzheimer’s Disease). The poor woman had
53 times more mercury in her brain than people who die of other
causes.” www.midnightcafe.com/alzh/diagnosis3.html#role
In 1991, Dr. Boyd Haley, Ph.D., a research toxicologist at the
University of Kentucky in Lexington discovered some hard evidence
that changed the mercury debate for good. “It was almost
Chapter 20 – Mercury & Alzheimer’s Cancer – Step Outside the Box
accidental…I found out how damaging mercury amalgam is to the
brain while studying tissue affected by Alzheimer’s disease…I did an
experiment. I put mercury amalgam in water. Then, I placed a
sample of brain tissue in that water and checked on it over time.
After a period of several weeks, I noticed that the exposure to
mercury had suppressed the secretion from the brain tissue of
tubulin—a major enzyme that performs critical functions in the
brain. This finding was consistent both with mercury toxicity and
with brain tissue as affected by Alzheimer’s disease. From that, I
concluded that there’s clearly leakage from mercury amalgam—and
that there’s a strong probability that people who have such fillings in
their teeth are being exposed to chronic, low-dose mercury
Dr. Haley continues, “[dentists] insist mercury amalgam is safe, nontoxic
and that it doesn’t leak...[but] mercury is a neurotoxin.
It leeches out of dental fillings, of that there is no doubt
…it heightens the risk of Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s disease
as well as other neurological disorders. Dentists defend
their use of mercury amalgam, but it’s unjustifiable. I feel like I’ve
been arguing with the town drunk for eight or nine years.
My conclusion is simple and direct: mercury is the toxicant
behind Alzheimer’s. It may not be the only one, but mercury’s role
in the development of Alzheimer’s disease is clear.”
Other scientists have shown that trace amounts of mercury can
cause the type of nerve damage that is characteristic of the damage
found in Alzheimer’s disease. The level of mercury exposure used in
the test was well below those levels found in many humans with
mercury/amalgam dental fillings. The research was conducted at the
University of Calgary Faculty of Medicine by professors Fritz
Lorscheider and Naweed Syed. The professors found that exposure
to mercury caused the formation of “neurofibrillar tangles,” which
are one of the two diagnostic markers for Alzheimer’s disease.
Previous research has shown that mercury can cause the formation
of the other Alzheimer’s disease marker, “amyloid plaques.”
Chapter 20 – Mercury & Alzheimer’s Cancer – Step Outside the Box
Dr. Lorsheider and Dr. Syed noted that no other material or metal
tested, including aluminum, has ever produced even remotely
similar reactions. They also produced the visual documentation of
the biochemical mechanism by which the introduction of mercury
induces hallmark diagnostic markers indistinguishable from those
seen in the Alzheimer’s diseased brain. When Dr. Lorscheider
submitted the paper to the British journal NeuroReport, which
eventually published it (NeuroReport, 12(4):733-737, 2001), he
added the video as an accompanying document, making it one of the
few times that a piece of animation was subjected to the peer-review
process. View it the video here: http://commons.ucalgary.ca/mercury
Get Rid of the Mercury & Reverse Alzheimer’s. According to Dr. H.
Richard Casdorph, “In large measure, those martyred by dementia
are showing the results of toxicity from mercury, aluminium, lead,
cadmium, arsenic and other heavy metals. Their neurons have been
poisoned. They are turned into Alzheimer’s victims directly through
the efforts of dentists who blindly follow the party line of their trade
union organisation, the ADA. Since 1952 the medical profession has
had the means to reduce or reverse the signs and symptoms of
Alzheimer’s disease.” What…reverse Alzheimer’s? Is he nuts? Based
upon my research, he is 100% accurate. I recommend the following
report by Tom Warren entitled “Reversing Alzheimer’s Disease”:
In the above quote, Dr. Casdorph is referring to chelation therapy.
Taken from the Greek word “chele” meaning “claw,” the word
chelation refers to the way the therapy binds heavy metals, toxins,
and metabolic wastes in the bloodstream. According to Doctors H.
Richard Casdorph and Morton Walker, authors of Toxic Metal
Syndrome: How Metal Poisioning Can Affect Your Brain, chelation
therapy has been shown to help at least 50% of elderly people with
Alzheimer’s who have tried it. They are documented as showing
greater mental clarity, increased IQ, and improved memory. In their
book, the authors state that the Alzheimer’s patients “were observed
by loved ones to have returned to normal, or near normal,
functioning. It was a gratifying experience for everyone involved
Chapter 20 – Mercury & Alzheimer’s Cancer – Step Outside the Box
with the testing and treatment: diagnosticians, clinicians, health care
technicians, the patients, plus their family and friends.”
The first step in removing the mercury from your system is to get rid
of your amalgam fillings! However, there are safe ways to do this
and there are unsafe ways. If you get your fillings removed by a
dentist who doesn’t take precautions, then the end result will be that
you are worse off than before. Careless removal of amalgam fillings
can release even more mercury into your system than what was
leaking before the fillings were removed.
My dentist, Dr. Ellis Ramsey, DDS, has been aware of the dangers of
mercury for almost 3 decades. He recently removed all but one of
my mercury fillings, and I am scheduled to get the last filling
removed in March 2007. He is an expert at safe mercury removal,
and I highly recommend him if you are in the North Texas (DFW)
area. If you live elsewhere, be sure that you seek out a “biological
dentist,” preferably a member of the IAOMT, who understands the
issues surrounding amalgam fillings. Two safety precautions: 1)
Request oxygen during the procedure – this will insure that you
breathe clean oxygen rather than toxic mercury vapor when the
fillings are drilled out. 2) Request a rubber dam – this keeps pieces
of the filling from falling down your throat or onto your tongue.
After you have had your fillings removed, the next step is to chelate
the heavy metals. The quickest and most potent chelation method
available today is intravenous EDTA chelation therapy. The
chelating agent, EDTA, is an amino acid which has negative charges
associated with it. Once inside the body it looks for positively
charged molecules such as lead, iron, mercury, and cadmium. The
number of IV EDTA treatments necessary is generally between 20
and 50 sessions, depending on your condition. This will cost
between $2,000 and $5,000.
According to Webster Kehr, “This treatment has been known about
for decades, but because EDTA chelation is not profitable enough for
orthodox medicine the treatment has been buried. It is not that
Chapter 20 – Mercury & Alzheimer’s Cancer – Step Outside the Box
EDTA chelation is not expensive, it is expensive. The problem is that
it cures the patient too quickly, and it does not treat the symptoms
of Alzheimer’s. In short, it is not profitable enough for Big Pharma
and it is not “sophisticated” enough, meaning it is too simple, for Big
Medicine. Big Pharma and Big Medicine like to treat symptoms, not
causes.” www.cancertutor.com
Oral EDTA costs significantly less than IV EDTA, between $20 and
$50 per month, depending on your intake. Clinical experience
suggests that oral EDTA chelation provides many, but not all, of the
benefits of IV therapy. Only between 5% and 10% of an oral dose of
EDTA is absorbed into the bloodstream (compared with 100% of an
IV dose). Yet, due to continuous daily intake, the amounts add up
and can achieve similar benefits. Overall, the differences in benefits
are more those of degree, speed, convenience, and cost per dose than
of quality.
Another weapon in our “chelation arsenal” is chlorella. High doses
of chlorella (10 to 20 grams) have been found to be very effective for
mercury elimination. This is an important part of a good systemic
mercury elimination program, because approximately 90% of the
mercury is eliminated through the stool, and chlorella helps fecal
excretion. And remember, chlorella is a food, so you cannot eat too
much of it! However, you will need to work up to 20 grams since it
can cause diarrhea.
Chlorella should be used in conjunction with cilantro. Dr. Omura, a
Japanese researcher, discovered that cilantro could mobilize mercury
and other toxic metals rapidly from the central nervous system.
However, cilantro alone often does not remove mercury from the
body. It often only displaces the metals from deeper body stores to
more superficial structures. Cilantro will help mobilize mercury out
of the tissue so the chlorella can bind to it and allow it to be excreted
from the body. Along with chlorella and cilantro, you should start
eating fresh garlic every day. This will enhance sulfur stores.
Between 2 and 3 cloves a day is an excellent idea. Make sure you
crush the garlic to release its active ingredients.
Chapter 20 – Mercury & Alzheimer’s Cancer – Step Outside the Box
Also, I suggest taking MSM as well. MSM, which we discussed in the
cancer treatments chapter, is a form of sulfur which acts on cell
membranes and which will help your body eliminate the mercury.
Here is Karl Loren's explanation: “The brain is made up of billions of
nerve cells, intricately connected with each other like electrons in a
electrical circuit. When you think - you send electrical impulses
throughout your brain. Alzheimer's disease is a condition where the
many of these cells are coated with aluminum, causing them to short
circuit and sends brain impulses to the wrong synapse creating
confusion. MSM opens the membrane that contains the aluminum,
and allows the unwanted deposits to be flushed into the blood
stream. The hot bath with Clorox makes the body sweat and release
the aluminum. Then the Clorox leeches it right off your body.”
Also, during heavy metal detoxification, make sure you take a high
quality multi-vitamin which contains all the essential minerals.
An excellent 33-day mercury detoxification protocol used
by many doctors can be found at the following website:
According to Dr. Andrew Hall Cutler, “Amalgam illness is analogous
to a war. Your enemy, mercury, captured a beachhead in your
teeth and fortified it with amalgam. Then it launched an attack.
House to house. Organ to organ. Cell to cell. Slowly capturing your
body. You win the war with a surgical strike. Dental surgery. Drill
out those fillings. Removing your amalgam declares an armistice.
Fighting stops, but the mercury atoms are still dug in wherever they
reached. Chelation sends clean up squads off to round up the enemy
and escort them out. Meanwhile the surviving cells in your body
get to work and to repair the war damage.” www.noamalgam.com
Dental Trivia: Did you know that the original “quacks” were dentists
who advocated the use of mercury amalgam? “Quacksalber” is the
old German word for mercury.
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