The above quote by Hippocrates hits the nail on the head when
dealing with cancer prevention. In my opinion, what you eat (and
what you don’t eat) are the most important factors in preventing
cancer. Eating a bad diet is like putting water in your car’s gas tank.
Our food is what fuels our body, and without proper nutrition, it is
impossible to get maximum results from other alternative cancer
treatments. As a matter of fact, oftentimes the cause of cancer is the
foods we consume. Let me put it another way. Many people who get
cancer get it because of the things they have eaten. That’s right.
Improper dietary choices have created an internal terrain which
feeds cancer cells. In fact, many scientific studies have proven that
diet alone, meaning the foods that were eaten, caused cancer.
Thomas Edison is quoted as saying, “the doctor of the future will no
longer treat the human frame with drugs, but rather will cure and
prevent disease with nutrition.” If he had replaced both instances of
the word “will” with “should,” then he would have been correct.
Doctors should cure and prevent disease with nutrition.
Unfortunately, most doctors still believe that drugs are the answer
and completely overlook nutrition. This chapter highlights 6 of the
best foods/drinks which are fantastic for your body…and also an
extraordinary snack for whenever you get “the munchies.”
“Let food be your medicine and medicine be your
food.” Hippocrates
Chapter 13 – The “Super 6” and a “Super Snack” Cancer – Step Outside the Box
Without food, most humans will die in a month. Without water,
we’re dead in less than 10 days. Water makes up over 70% of the
body, around 90% of the blood, and about 85% of the brain. The
problem with most of us is that we have been sold a bill of goods –
when you’re thirsty, drink a soda, or the latest “sports drink” (chock
full of sugar, by the way). We drink coffee and sodas and beer and
pasteurized milk and anything else we’ve been conditioned to buy,
but most of us forget to drink enough water.
Scientifically speaking, water is a network of hydrogen-bonded
molecules. It can form numerous structures, depending on how the
individual molecules bond together. The most recent scientific
findings indicate that biological organisms prefer the 6-sided
(hexagonal) ring-structure, found naturally in snow water. This
“hexagonal water” forms a liquid crystalline lattice that is involved
in cellular communication, intracellular water movement, enzyme
function and many other metabolic processes.
Many people drink distilled or osmotic water, but in my opinion,
this is dead water. Yes most of the toxic chemicals have been
removed, but also missing are the alkaline minerals and
oxygen...especially in the case of distilled water, since it is “acidic.”
My family drinks tons of spring water, but not tap water, since the
water in most municipal water supplies has been contaminated with
chlorine and fluoride. Some statistics show that as much as 90% of
us are walking around in a chronic state of dehydration. One way to
tell if you’re dehydrated is to check the color of the urine. If it’s dark
all the time, you’re probably dehydrated. The easiest way you can
improve your health is to DRINK MORE PURE WATER.
Organic, Raw Plant Foods & Herbs
When it comes to which foods offer the best cancer “medicine,”
nothing beats plant foods, due to the fact that they contain scores of
Chapter 13 – The “Super 6” and a “Super Snack” Cancer – Step Outside the Box
enzymes and thousands of phytochemicals. “Phyto” means plant,
thus phytochemicals are plant chemicals, including vitamins and
minerals. However, there are thousands of other phytochemicals
other than vitamins and minerals which are contained in plants.
One well-known phytochemical is beta-carotene, which gives
carrots and sweet potatoes their bright orange color. Beta-carotene is
actually a member of a “family” of phytochemicals called
carotenoids, which give fruits and vegetables their bright
colors. Research indicates that phytochemicals lower our risk of
cancer. It’s important to keep in mind that only plants (fruit,
vegetables, nuts, seeds, grains, legumes) contain phytochemicals.
Plant foods, especially the green leafy vegetables, contain enzymes
which enable the body to detoxify (cleanse) itself more efficiently
and eliminate cancer causing substances. Green plant foods contain
chlorophyll, which has a chemical structure similar to hemoglobin
that helps transport oxygen in the blood. Plant foods are also loaded
with antioxidants, which help protect the body against oxidation.
As we discussed earlier, our cells use oxygen and glucose to produce
ATP, our energy supply. However, free radicals are a by-product of
this chemical reaction. Free radicals, also called oxidants, cause
oxidation, which damages the cell walls. Oxidation is like rust on
your car.
The health benefits of regularly eating plant foods are nothing short
of miraculous. Based on the latest health research, there is no doubt
that plant foods can reduce the risk of cancer, and even if you
already have cancer, plant foods help you recover and stay healthy.
There are literally thousands of studies telling us that plant
foods reduce the risk of getting cancer and also prevent the
recurrence of cancer.
We absolutely love raspberries, strawberries, blackberries, and
blueberries. All of these berries contain a variety of phytochemicals
and antioxidants. Berries are also rich in many vitamins and
minerals, including zinc, calcium, and magnesium and zinc –
Chapter 13 – The “Super 6” and a “Super Snack” Cancer – Step Outside the Box
minerals that most Americans lack. All of these berries also contain
ellagic acid, a compound which prevents cellular mutations and is an
anticarcinogen. Clinical tests also show that ellagic acid prevents
cancer cells from inhibiting the p53 gene to cause cell apoptosis.
Brianna and Bryce both love apples, and have learned to eat the
seeds as well. The seeds contain nitrilosides (Vitamin B17) which has
been shown to kill cancer cells. Fresh sprouts are also a favorite of
ours – they are a whole food. We eat them on sandwiches and
salads. Sprouting grains and vegetables also increases their alkalinity.
We also love to use fresh herbs. Several herbs, such as Sheep Sorrel
and Black Walnut (two ingredients in Essiac Tea), are known to be
strong cancer fighters. Also, turmeric, which contains curcumin, is a
spice that fights cancer.
We have begun to love a mixture of tomatoes, red peppers,
avocados, onions, garlic, oregano, cilantro, lime juice, and extravirgin
olive oil. I put it in the food processor for about 30 seconds
and then we spread it on vegetables and flax crackers. The kiddos
affectionately call this mixture “Daddy Dip.” This mixture is highly
alkalizing to the body, and it also tastes great. Why do we combine
these specific veggies?
�� Tomatoes – contain lycopene, which is a powerful antioxidant
and carotenoid, and also very alkaline
�� Red peppers – high in vitamin C and beta carotene and very
�� Avocados – an excellent source of Omega-3 fats and very
�� Garlic – contains diallyl sulfide (chemically similar to
DMSO) and ajoene (induces apoptosis in cancer cells) – a
powerful oxygen transport enhancer and anticarginogen –
also one of the most powerful antifungals in the world.
�� Oregano – extremely potent antioxidant and alkaline as well
�� Cilantro – helps remove (chelate) heavy metals
�� Lime juice – adds a “zest” to the mixture and highly alkaline
Chapter 13 – The “Super 6” and a “Super Snack” Cancer – Step Outside the Box
�� Olive Oil – contains vitamin E, vitamin A, chlorophyll,
magnesium, and a ton of other nutrients.
Two important things to remember about plant foods: 1) eat them
raw - cooking over 112° destroys the enzymes, and 2) eat organic
fruits and vegetables (if possible) - conventionally grown plant foods
have likely been sprayed with toxic pesticides. However, if you
can’t find organic produce, don’t use that as an excuse to go back to
pizza and beer. Go ahead and buy the conventional produce and
wash it well in warm, soapy water.
Fresh Organic Vegetable Juice
I have separated fresh vegetable juice from the plant foods category,
even though the juice comes entirely from fresh organic plant foods,
since fresh vegetable juice can be a meal in and of itself. Most people
have compromised intestines due to eating junk food for years and
years, thus they have a difficult time absorbing nutrients. Juicing
our plant foods is the equivalent of pre-digesting them, thus we are
able to absorb more nutrients. Fresh vegetable juice is also a
fantastic way to alkalize our inner terrain, and it is a tremendous
source of enzymes. Since fruits and vegetables are juiced raw, the
enzymes remain alive.
Fresh juicing may be the answer for those of you who just don’t like
to eat raw vegetables. I know that if you’re used to hamburgers and
fries, that the thought of eating a fresh salad with broccoli, carrots,
cucumbers, beets, and celery may not be the most appetizing
thought, so fresh juice is an excellent alternative to eating the
recommended 3 to 4 pounds of fresh, raw vegetables per day. Juicing
is simply the most practical way to meet your daily needs of fresh
vegetables and fruit.
We try to juice every morning. Our juice usually includes organic
carrots, beets, apples, celery, and cucumbers. Brianna and Bryce
absolutely love it! I usually drink about half of my juice, then I add
the pulp into the other half. The benefit of this is that it adds fiber to
Chapter 13 – The “Super 6” and a “Super Snack” Cancer – Step Outside the Box
the juice, which serves as a fertilizer to healthy bacteria in the colon.
Drink the juice immediately after juicing, since the nutrients and
enzymes begin to deteriorate from exposure to oxygen and light.
A tremendous cancer fighter is wheatgrass juice. There are juice bars
all over Dallas where you can sit down and do a shot of wheatgrass
juice. I highly recommend it! According to Webster Kehr, “If we
look at oxygen as a bullet to kill cancer cells, then we should look at
wheatgrass as a shotgun blast at treating cancer. The number of ways
it deals with cancer is incredible. First of all it contains chlorophyll,
which has almost the same molecular structure as hemoglobin.
Chlorophyll increases hemoglobin production, meaning more
oxygen gets to the cancer. Selenium and laetrile are also in
wheatgrass, both are anticancer. Chlorophyll and selenium also help
build the immunity system. Furthermore, wheatgrass is one of the
most alkaline foods known to mankind. And the list goes on.”
Wheat grass juice has been shown to cleanse the lymph system,
restore pH balance, build the blood, and remove toxic metals from
the cells. Barley grass offers unique digestive enzymes not available
in such high concentrations in other foods. It also helps prevent
cellular degeneration and mutations. Barley grass and wheat grass
both contain chlorophyll, which has a chemical structure similar to
hemoglobin that helps transport oxygen in the blood, and both
grasses are excellent sources of antioxidants, minerals, amino acids,
and fiber. Perhaps most importantly, they both help to optimize
your body’s pH.
Healthy Oils & Fats
Coconut oil is the healthiest oil you can consume. Period. One of
the most impressive features of coconut oil is that it is extremely
rich in lauric acid (about 50% by volume). The only other abundant
source of lauric acid found in nature is in human breast milk. A great
deal of research has established the fact that lauric acid is used by
humans to destroy viruses, and various pathogenic bacteria and
microbes such as yeasts, fungus, bacteria, parasites, and molds.
Chapter 13 – The “Super 6” and a “Super Snack” Cancer – Step Outside the Box
According to Mary Enig, Ph.D., the nation’s leading expert on fats
and oils: “Coconut oil has a unique role in the diet as an important
physiologically functional food. The health and nutritional benefits
that can be derived from consuming coconut oil have been
recognized in many parts of the world for centuries...coconut oil
provides a source of antimicrobial lipids for individuals
with compromised immune systems, and is a nonpromoting
fat with respect to chemical carcinogenesis.”
Coconut oil contains no trans-fats and about 2/3 of the saturated fat
in coconut oil is made up of medium-chain fatty acids (MCFAs). By
contrast, most common vegetable or seed oils are comprised of longchain
fatty acids (LCFAs), which put strain on the pancreas and the
liver, are predominantly stored in the body as fat, and harden the
arteries with cholesterol. The MCFAs in coconut oil have
antimicrobial properties, are beneficial to the immune system, are
easily digested for quick energy, and cause weight loss. That’s
right...eating coconut oil will help you lose weight!
Over 50% of Americans are overweight. One of the paramount
benefits of coconut oil lies in its ability to stimulate your
metabolism. Back in the 1930s, Dr. Weston Price, a dentist, traveled
throughout the South Pacific, examining traditional diets and their
effect on dental and overall health. He found that those eating diets
high in coconut products were healthy and trim, despite the high fat
concentration in their diet. Then in the 1940s, farmers found out (by
accident) that when they tried using inexpensive coconut oil to
fatten their livestock, it didn’t work! Instead, coconut oil made the
animals lean! Since then, many animal and human research studies
have demonstrated that replacing LCFAs with MCFAs results in
both decreased body weight and reduced body fat percentage. So, by
changing the fats in your diet from the unsaturated LCFAs found in
vegetable or seed oils to the MCFAs in coconut oil, you will lose
Chapter 13 – The “Super 6” and a “Super Snack” Cancer – Step Outside the Box
We’ve all heard the rhetoric about saturated fat being unhealthy,
but this is complete nonsense. The saturated fat in coconut oil is
actually health promoting. How did that rumor get started? Well, it
was based on some flawed studies performed almost 50 years ago.
The studies used hydrogenated coconut oil, and the myth was
perpetuated by the vegetable oil industry (aided by the FDA) back in
the 1980s. Are you shocked? I’m not…
The fact of the matter is that all hydrogenated oils are bad, since
they have been chemically altered. But virgin coconut oil is
wonderful for the human body. That is the only coconut oil we
consume. As a matter of fact, we use so much coconut oil that we
purchase it a gallon at a time! According to Dr. Bruce Fife, “coconut
oil is the healthiest oil on earth.” Be sure to purchase organic, virgin
coconut oil, as it has not been heated or hydrogenated.
Olive oil is the only vegetable oil that can be consumed fresh
pressed. The beneficial health effects of olive oil are due to both its
high content of monounsaturated fatty acids and its high content of
antioxidants. Studies have shown that olive oil offers protection
against heart disease by controlling LDL (“bad”) cholesterol levels
while raising HDL (“good”) levels. No other naturally produced oil
has as large an amount of monounsaturated as olive oil. We use
olive oil all the time in salad dressings and vegetable medleys.
When buying olive oil you will want to obtain a high quality extra
virgin olive oil. The oil that comes from the first “pressing” of the
olive is cold pressed (i.e. extracted without using heat or chemicals)
is awarded “extra virgin” status. This is the best oil because it is
handled less, thus it is closer to its natural state and contains higher
levels of antioxidants, vitamin E, and phenols. However, while I
recommend that you include olive oil as a healthy part of your diet,
you should not cook with olive oil, as heat can damage the fatty
acids and create toxins. If you are going to cook with oil, use
coconut oil, which is the only oil known to man that does not
undergo toxic chemical changes when heated.
Chapter 13 – The “Super 6” and a “Super Snack” Cancer – Step Outside the Box
Fish oil contains the most beneficial form of omega-3 fatty acids.
However, due to the fact that over half of the U.S. burns coal to
generate electricity and 80,000 pounds of mercury is dumped into
the oceans every year, most fish is poisoned with toxic mercury. So,
in order to get the essential fatty acids, we take fish oil (summer
time) and cod liver oil (winter time). Since cod liver oil is high in
vitamin D, which is chiefly supplied by sunshine, it is best to take
during winter months when we get less exposure to sunshine.
During the summer, we get plenty of vitamin D from the sun, so we
take fish oil. The kids love taking their fish oil every night before
Avocados are an excellent source of fats. According to Dr. Robert
Atkins, “avocados are not only nourishing they are a heart
promoting, cancer fighting fruit that offers unequaled health
benefits.” Not only are avocados a rich source of omega-6 fatty acids
including oleic acid, which has recently been shown to offer
significant protection against breast cancer, but these fruits also
contain the highest amount of the carotenoid lutein of all commonly
eaten fruits, as well as measurable amounts of related carotenoids
(zeazxanthin, alpha-carotene and beta-carotene) plus significant
quantities of tocopherols (vitamin E). In a laboratory study
published in the January 2005 issue of the Journal of Nutritional
Biochemistry, an extract of avocado containing these carotenoids
and tocopherols inhibited the growth of both androgen-dependent
and androgen-independent prostate cancer cells.
However, when researchers tried exposing the prostate cancer cells
to lutein alone, the single carotenoid did not prevent cancer cell
growth and replication. Not only was the whole matrix of
carotenoids and tocopherols in avocado necessary for its ability to
kill prostate cancer cells, but the researchers also noted that the
significant amount of monounsaturated fat in avocado plays an
important role. Carotenoids are lipid (fat)-soluble, which means fat
must be present to ensure that these bioactive carotenoids will be
absorbed into the bloodstream. Just as God intended, avocado
delivers the whole heath-promoting package. We eat avocados
Chapter 13 – The “Super 6” and a “Super Snack” Cancer – Step Outside the Box
almost every day, in salads, in “Daddy Dip,” in raw pies, by
themselves, and in salad dressings. They are absolutely delicious and
provide us with an excellent source of natural omega-6 fatty acids. If
you are going to purchase avocado oil, make sure that it is extravirgin
and cold pressed.
Garlic, Curcumin, Ginger, & Germanium
There has been more written about the wonderful benefits of garlic
than any other food source known. Its history dates back 3,500
years. Hippocrates, the father of medicine, was the first to write that
garlic was an excellent medicine for eliminating tumors. Recent
studies on garlic have shown that it kills insects, parasites, bad
bacteria, and fungus. It also eliminates various tumors, lowers blood
sugar levels, lowers harmful fats in the blood, and prevents clogging
of the arteries.
It has been discovered that the diallyl sulfide in garlic reduces the
formation of carcinogens in the liver (Cancer Research, 1988; 48:23).
In addition, ajoene, another major compound of garlic has been
shown to induce apoptosis in human leukemic cells (Dirsch VM et
al, “Ajoene, a compound of garlic, induces apoptosis in human
promyeloleukemic cells,” Molecular Pharmacology, March 1998).
It is interesting to note the similarity between diallyl sulfide and
dimethyl sulfide (DMSO), which is covered in detail later in the
book. According to Dr. David Gregg, “They both consist of one
sulfur with two organic molecules attached. In the case of
dimethylsulfide two methyl groups (CH3) are attached, in the case of
diallyl sulfide, to allyl goups (C3H5) are attached…there is an
equilibrium established between dimethylsulfide (no oxygen
attached), DMSO (one oxygen attached to the sulfur) and MSM (two
oxygen’s attached to the sulfur). Because of this equilibrium, this set
of molecules can act as an effective oxygen transport system. Since
diallyl sulfide is a very similar molecule and the same bonding sites
are available on the sulfur, one would expect it to behave in a similar
manner, and it seems to…this would suggest that one of the major
Chapter 13 – The “Super 6” and a “Super Snack” Cancer – Step Outside the Box
anticancer contributions of diallyl sulfide (and thus garlic)
is to enhance oxygen transport to the cancer cells.”
We eat garlic in almost everything – dips, salad dressings, sauces,
soups, wraps, you name it. But remember...cooking kills garlic’s
cancer-fighting properties. There are cases on record where cancer
was beaten with a good detox program and garlic alone. Here’s a
powerful anti-cancer concoction: blend up some raw broccoli, garlic
juice, onions and ginger. If you can stand the taste, it’s one of the
most potent cancer fighting concoctions anywhere – and the
ingredients are available at your local grocery store.
Curcumin, a substance in the spice turmeric (which is ingredient in
curry), has several cancer-fighting properties. A study found that in
laboratory, curcumin can actually repair DNA that has been
damaged by radiation. This is very good news, because one cannot
avoid all radiation sources. According to University of Chicago
scientists, curcumin inhibits a cancer-provoking bacteria (H. pylor)
associated with gastric and colon cancer (Magad GB, Anticancer
Research, Nov-Dec 2002).
Curcumin can also protect cells against xenoestrogens because it can
fit to the same receptor as estrogen or estrogen-mimicking
chemicals. In a study on human breast cancer cells, curcumin
reversed growth caused by a certain form of estrogen by 98%, and
growth caused by DDT by 75%. Another study found that a mixture
of curcumin and soy isoflavones inhibited halted breast cancer
growth that was induced by DDT and certain environmental
pollutants by 95% (in vitro).
Yet another anti-cancer property of curcumin is that it is a powerful
antioxidant. It can therefore protect our bodies from free radicals
that damage DNA. This is also why turmeric (which contains
curcumin) can be used for preserving foods. Tests in Germany,
reported July 2003, found that “all fractions of the turmeric extract
preparation exhibited pronounced antioxidant activity.” Turmeric
Chapter 13 – The “Super 6” and a “Super Snack” Cancer – Step Outside the Box
extract tested more potent than garlic, devil’s claw, and salmon oil
(Journal of Pharmacy & Pharmacology, July 2003).
In their latest of a series of reports, scientists at M. D. Anderson
Cancer Center in Houston state, “Curcumin can suppress tumor
initiation, promotion and metastasis. Pharmacologically, curcumin
has been found to be safe. Human clinical trials indicated no doselimiting
toxicity when administered at doses up to 10 g/day. All of
these studies suggest that curcumin has enormous potential in the
prevention and therapy of cancer.” [Aggarwal, BB et al, Anticancer
Research, Jan-Feb 2003). And in the June 1998 issue of Molecular
Medicine, researchers at Harvard Medical School published their
findings that curcumin inhibits angiogenesis (the formation of new
blood vessels) which tumors use to nourish themselves as they
Since curcumin is found in the spice turmeric, and turmeric is the
principal ingredient in curry, you can enjoy the protective benefits
of curcumin by just adding curry spice to your foods.
Ginger is one of the most heavily consumed dietary substances in
the world and has been shown to inhibit tumor growth. Plants of
the ginger family have long been credited with therapeutic and
preventive powers and have been reported to have anti-cancer
activity. The substance called 6-gingerol is the main active
compound in ginger root and the one that gives ginger its distinctive
flavor. At least two recent studies suggest that 6-gingerol suppresses
proliferation of human cancer cells through the induction of
As for the form of ginger to be taken, it is essential that it contain
the key ingredient, which is 6-gingerol. Gingerol is sensitive to heat
and when ginger is cooked the cancer-fighting potency of the
gingerol is drastically reduced. Therefore, please do not waste your
precious time taking ginger flavored foods and tea. Use only
products that are certified or guaranteed to contain 6-gingerol. Two
types of product fit these requirements. The best appears to be
Chapter 13 – The “Super 6” and a “Super Snack” Cancer – Step Outside the Box
ginger root powder in capsules. Enough for one treatment usually
costs less that $10. The other product is the alcohol extract of
ginger, which is sometimes difficult to obtain and very expensive.
I have recently been corresponding with a formerly Stage IV cancer
patient who cured his cancer with ginger. For a 150 pound person,
he recommends taking between 4 and 6 grams of ginger root powder
per day. The ginger root should be taken for one to three days. His
exact words are “I had previously been using ginger root powder in
500mg capsules for stomach upset. But then tried it successfully at a
higher than label dosage instead of anti-biotic. When prostate
cancer spread to and blocked my colon, I tried ginger. I took up to
six capsules, four times a day. I was very lucky. It worked!”
Organic Germanium is really the sesquioxide form of a very
prevalent trace mineral. A sesquioxide is an oxide containing three
atoms of oxygen with two atoms (or radicals) of some other
substance. Germanium sesquioxide or “Ge-132” is a strong
oxygenation booster with remarkable abilities. It not only will
oxygenate your entire body when swallowed, but it can also do this
through the skin when germanium salts are dissolved in water. Ge-
132 not only boosts oxygenation but spares oxygen as it chelates
toxic metals such as mercury, lead and cadmium from your body.
Ge-132 is able to restore normal function to T-cells, B-lymphocytes,
NK (natural killer) cells, and stimulate the production of antibodies.
It is believed to severely limit metastasis of cancers and tumors and
most importantly, because it is completely secreted from the body
there is absolutely no toxicity and there are no side effects.
Germanium is found in many plants such as garlic, ginseng, aloe, and
alfalfa so if you are not familiar with the word “germanium” do not
be alarmed.
Grass-Fed Beef and Raw Milk
BEEF? Not just beef . . . GRASS-fed beef. Before the introduction of
harvested grains as feed, cattle thrived on lush green grasses. Much
Chapter 13 – The “Super 6” and a “Super Snack” Cancer – Step Outside the Box
like human consumption of greens, these fertile green grasses
provide cattle with the most complete and balanced diet, promoting
healthy growth without excessive fat production. As a result of their
100% grass diet, the meat from these cattle has the perfect ratio of
omega-6 to omega-3 fatty acids, and it is rich in conjugated linoleic
acid (CLA). A great many studies have shown CLA fights cancer in
lab animals.
In a recent study feeding rats small amounts of CLA shrank
mammary tumors by 45%. Scientists added very small amounts of
CLA to breast cancer cells growing in a culture. By the 8th day, the
CLA had killed 93% of the cells. And a group of Finnish researchers
found that women who consumed the most CLA in their diets had a
60% lower risk of breast cancer than those who consumed the least.
(www.drstallone.com/cancer_article19.htm) CLA also stimulates
the immune system, improves insulin sensitivity, improves blood
lipid levels, improves lean body mass to fat ratios, and has no known
practical toxicity levels.
Modern farming practices have led to a steady decline in the amount
of CLA supplied in the diet over the past half century. Today’s dairy
products have only around 25% of the CLA content they used to
have around 1960. A good case could be made that the cancer, heart
disease, diabetes, and obesity epidemics we are now experiencing are
largely due to the decline of CLA in the diet. As a matter of fact, part
of the Biblical rationale for avoiding the eating of “unclean”
scavenger animals (lobster, shrimp, shellfish, pigs) may have been
due to the fact that these animals supply very little CLA.
Unfortunately, if you go to the supermarket to purchase beef, you
will get beef that has been GRAIN-fed. As a result the omega-6 to
omega-3 ratio will be completely out of whack and you will not be
getting the CLA content that you would from GRASS-fed beef.
We also love to eat GRASS-fed buffalo. North Dakota State
University conducted a study on the nutritional differences between
grass-fed and grain-fed buffalo. The results of that study showed that
grass-fed buffalo had Omega-6 to Omega-3 ratios of 4:1, while the
Chapter 13 – The “Super 6” and a “Super Snack” Cancer – Step Outside the Box
grain-fed buffalo had ratios of 21:1. Additional studies clearly
indicate that the longer cattle are fed grain, the greater their fatty
acid imbalance. For instance, after 200 days in the feedlot (typical in
the USA), grain-fed cattle have Omega-6 to Omega-3 ratios in excess
of 20:1.
RAW MILK? Yep, raw. Not pasteurized. And we drink raw goat
milk since it has smaller fat globules than cow’s milk, making it
easier to digest. Many people that can’t digest cow milk, even those
diagnosed with lactose intolerance, can digest goat milk without
difficulty. Plus, it tastes great! Why raw? Pasteurization has its roots
in the false germ theory of Louis Pasteur.
God gave us pure milk in a natural raw form that is loaded with
goodies that boost our natural immune systems as well as give us
many essential enzymes, vitamins and minerals that keep our
digestive systems and bodies working at the optimum levels of
health. But the man-altered, pasteurized milk we buy at the store is
a devitalized, enzymeless, nutritionless food. Unlike the propaganda
we hear on TV, pasteurized milk is incapable of rebuilding or
maintaining bones and teeth as it is not a good source of calcium
(since the enzyme phosphatase which is required to absorb calcium
is destroyed during the pasteurization process).
Studies also have shown that lipase (an enzyme in milk which helps
fat digestion) is totally destroyed by pasteurization, which also
diminishes vitamin content, destroys vitamins B12 and B6, kills
beneficial bacteria, and is associated with allergies, increased tooth
decay, colic in infants, growth problems in children, osteoporosis,
arthritis, heart disease, and cancer. In the words of Dr. Timothy
O’Shea, pasteurized milk is equivalent to “liquid formica.” To learn
about the huge difference between raw and pasteurized milk, check
out www.newtrendspublishing.com/USOMilk/Chapter15.pdf.
The bottom line is that raw milk is the only healthy milk to
consume since it contains all the vitamins and minerals in their most
pure and healthy form. It also contains many beneficial bacteria and
Chapter 13 – The “Super 6” and a “Super Snack” Cancer – Step Outside the Box
enzymes that aid digestion, making it a wonderful addition to a
healthy lifestyle. We get our raw goat milk, grass-fed beef, and
pastured chickens and eggs from the Hutchins family at Rehoboth
Ranch in Greenville, Texas. They are an amazing Christian family
with 12 children, all of them home schooled, and one of the finest
families we have ever had the privilege of meeting. Visit their
website at www.rehobothranch.com.
Another benefit to grass-fed beef/buffalo and raw milk is that you
can rest assured that the animal hasn’t been injected with rBGH
(recombinant Bovine Growth Hormone). In the words of Maris
Abelsen, “Recombinant Bovine Growth Hormone (rBGH) increases
levels of cancer causing hormones and other dangerous chemicals in
milk. It was the first genetically engineered drug to be widely
marketed through the food supply, and the few long term studies
that have been done raise serious questions about its safety. We’ve
got to stop it, now.”
A “Super Snack”
Do you know that many of the most popular “healthy” energy bars
on the market are in all likelihood just as bad for your health as
regular candy bars? Many energy bars contain pasteurized milk and
soy protein, two foods that can cause significant damage to your
tissues every single time you eat them. However, there is one snack
bar which is just as good for you as it is yummy. My family
absolutely loves to snack on CocoChia™ Raw Food Bars.
These bars deliver three powerful “superfoods” (coconut, chia seeds,
and almonds) in a great-tasting, convenient form. And the
ingredients are 100% organic. The unprocessed whole chia seeds
provide a steady, slow-burning source of energy, while the organic
coconut gives essential fats the body needs. Organic raw almond
butter, micro-encapsulated probiotics, non-GMO brown rice
protein, Therasweet™, and organic cocoa round out the healthy
ingredient list, providing excellent nutrition and great flavor with
no sugar added or alcohol.
Chapter 13 – The “Super 6” and a “Super Snack” Cancer – Step Outside the Box
CocoChia™ bars are high in fiber and gluten-free, making them a
good choice for many people who have digestive disorders. They
also are low in calories and have a low glycemic rating, making them
a good choice for those who are looking to reach and maintain their
ideal weight and those who have trouble regulating their blood
sugar and insulin levels.
Whether you’re suffering from mid-afternoon munchies, want to
power yourself through a hard workout, or just need a quick
refresher while traveling, CocoChia™ bars are filling, delicious, raw,
all-natural snacks, with healthy fats, fiber, and protein.
You can purchase CocoChia™ bars at www.livingfuel.com.
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