You probably thought that mercury was the only “toxic teeth” issue
and that you’re home free! Well, not if you have had a root canal.
Approximately 20,000,000 root canal operations are performed
annually in the United States. Nearly every dentist is oblivious to the
serious health risks this operation produces. While many intelligent
dentists refuse to put mercury fillings into the mouths of their
patients, these same dentists will go right ahead and gladly perform a
root canal, without any idea that these procedures cause horrific
damage to their patients. According to Dr. James Howenstine, M.D.,
“Many chronic diseases, perhaps most, are a result of root canal
A root canal treatment is done to save a tooth which otherwise
would have needed to be extracted. They are usually done when
Root canals are safe and oftentimes necessary to prevent
a tooth from being extracted
A root canal tooth is always infected regardless of its
appearance and lack of symptoms; root canals are a “safe
haven” for microbes which cause cancer
Chapter 21 – Root Canals Cancer – Step Outside the Box
severe infection has spread to the roots of the tooth. The root canal
is a narrow canal that runs from the middle of the tooth down to the
roots, which are buried in the jawbone. In the root canal procedure,
a hole is drilled in the tooth to gain access to the root canal, the dead
or infected nerves and tissue are removed, and the root canal area is
cleaned, sterilized, and disinfected. Then the inside of the tooth is
filled and the hole is typically sealed with a crown.
Each year, millions of root canals are done with an apparent success
rate of over 90%. In other words, there is no pain and the X-rays
indicate that the tooth has been “healed.” Unfortunately, this masks
a problem which can still be occurring. Many dentists now
recognize that it is impossible to clean out all of the dead tissue or to
completely sterilize a tooth. There are over 3 miles of tubules (tiny
channels) in every tooth, and only an arrogant (or insane) dentist
would claim to be able to clean or sterilize 100% of the 3 miles of
tubules. This then leaves areas of necrotic (dead) tissue in the tooth
to continue decomposing and being infected. Our immune system’s
white blood cells don’t travel into tubules nor do antibiotics filter
into these areas. Thus, the tubules become a “safe haven” for
microbes (viruses, yeasts, fungi, molds, bacteria, etc). And since the
nerve tissue, blood vessels, and living tissue inside the tooth has
been removed, it is now dead.
In 1993, Dr. Hal Huggins, D.D.S., gave a lecture to the Cancer
Control Society. In an almost comical fashion, Dr. Huggins stated,
“Then we get into the root canal business, and that is the most tragic
of all. Isn’t there something you can put in the centre of the canal
that is safe? Yeah, there probably is, but that is not where the
problem is. The problem with a root canal is that it is dead. Let’s
equate that. Let’s say you have got a ruptured appendix, so you go to
the phone book, and who do you look up? Let’s see, we have a
surgeon and a taxidermist, who do you call? You going to get it
bronzed? That is all we do to a dead tooth. We put a gold crown on
it, looks like it has been bronzed. It doesn’t really matter what you
embalm the dead tooth with, it is still dead, and within that dead
tooth we have bacteria, and these bacteria are not in the absence of
Chapter 21 – Root Canals Cancer – Step Outside the Box
oxygen. In the absence of oxygen most things die except bacteria.
They undergo something called a pleomorphic change…like a
mutation…they learn to live in the absence of oxygen…now
produce thio-ethers, some of the strongest poisons on the planet that
are not radioactive.” www.whale.to/d/root2.html
Remember that cancer and a host of other diseases are caused by a
pleomorphic microbe. To cure cancer, the microbes must be killed
throughout the body so the immune system can restore the body to
its normal state. However, a root canal is the perfect “breeding
ground” for microbes. As Dr. Huggins stated above, some of the most
dangerous of these microbes are the thio-ethers, including dimethyl
sulfate. A German oncologist named Josef Issels was able to confirm
that the thio-ethers released from these root canal microbes are very
closely related to the chemicals used by the Germans in World War
I to create mustard gas. According to the EPA, dimethyl sulfate has
been classified as a Group B2 human carcinogen. Tumors have been
observed in the nasal passages, lungs, and thorax of animals exposed
to dimethyl sulfate. www.epa.gov/ttn/atw/hlthef/di-sulfa.html
According to Dr. Karen Shrimplin, the thio-ethers are so toxic
because they are fat soluble and therefore concentrate in the lipid
(fat) framework of the cell, especially the mitochondria. The
mitochondria are the “cellular power plants” and are responsible for
the production of energy. If the mitochondria are damaged, then the
cell can no longer make energy via aerobic respiration and they are
forced to switch to fermentation (anaerobic respiration) to produce
energy. Remember, all cancer cells use fermentation as their means
of energy production. www.notdoctors.com/cavdoc9.html
So basically, what Dr. Shrimplin is saying is that the pleomorphic
microbes which inhabit the tubules in a root canal began as normal
aerobic bacteria, but when they are sealed into the tooth their
environment changes and they become anaerobic and produce
toxins such as thio-ethers. These thio-ethers then are released into
the rest of our body and damage the mitochondria of our cells, thus
causing them to become anaerobic. It’s a viscous cycle, all started by
Chapter 21 – Root Canals Cancer – Step Outside the Box
the root canal! These anaerobic microbes, which thrive inside root
canals, excrete toxicity from digesting necrotic tissue, and this leads
to chronic infection and degenerative disease. Think about it…if an
organ or limb dies in our body, we would remove it. Not so with
dead teeth! Dentist Frank Jerome states “The idea of keeping a dead,
infected organ in the body is only thought to be a good idea by
dentists. A root canal-treated tooth always negatively affects your
immune system.”
Way back in the 1920s, Dr. Weston A. Price, D.D.S., performed
experiments which at first were hailed by the American Dental
Association, but which were later ignored. Dr. Price suspected that
bacterial infection accompanied many degenerative diseases. He
suspected that these infections arose from the teeth. He decided to
implant an extracted root-filled tooth under the skin of an animal.
He found that by implanting the root-filled tooth, the disease of the
patient was transferred to animals. Whatever disease the patient
had, the animal with the extracted tooth under its skin developed
the same disease as the patient. He also observed that when root
filled teeth were taken out using correct techniques then a variety of
health problems improved, from arthritis to kidney problems to
cancer. This was done with hundreds of patients.
Dr. Price had found that not one of 100 disinfectants was able to
penetrate and sterilize the dentin, which makes up 95% of the
structure of the teeth. Neither are any antibiotics capable of
sterilizing root canals. Very few dentists are aware of or willing to
admit that dentin tubules are always infected after root canal
surgery. These bacteria escape into the blood and proceed to initiate
a vast number of degenerative diseases. Most dentists believe that
the disinfecting substances used to pack the root canal after surgery
effectively sterilize the root canal site which is unfortunately not
What Dr. Price reported and what he found with the tests which
involved some 5,000 animals over the 25 year period was that “root
canal teeth,” no matter how good they looked, or how free they
Chapter 21 – Root Canals Cancer – Step Outside the Box
were from symptoms, always remained infected. Dr. Price
documented his findings in two monumental volumes entitled
Dental Infections Oral & Systemic and Dental Infections and the
Degenerative Diseases. Not surprisingly, the books were effectively
suppressed for 50 years until Dr. George Meinig, a retired
endodontist (a dentist who specializes in root treatment), discovered
these books. He republished a shortened version of these books
called Root Canal Cover-up.
If you have a root canal, you may need to see a specialized type of
dentist called a “biological dentist” or a “holistic dentist.” These
dentists are sometimes persecuted by the ADA, so don’t expect to
find one in the local telephone book. They can be difficult to find.
Bill Henderson may have the only major alternative cancer
treatment that requires the removal of root canals. He will work
with his patients to find a biological dentist. His website is
Let’s look at the work of Josef Issels in Germany, who treated
“terminal” cancer patients for over 40 years. The immune systems of
these patients had already been destroyed by the “Big 3”
conventional treatments (chemo, surgery, and radiation). They
already had 3 strikes against them. However, Dr. Issels cured 24% of
his 16,000 terminal patients during that 40 year period. What is the
first thing he did? He had a dentist take out the root canal teeth!
If you get your root canal teeth pulled, then you may create another
problem. A cavitation is a hole in the bone (because of a pulled
tooth) which has not healed correctly. The tissue in the cavitation
such as the ligaments which once held the tooth become infected.
The highly toxic bacteria produced can cause osteonecrosis (bone
death), weaken overall health, and lead to degenerative diseases such
as cancer…oftentimes without any obvious pain in the jaw area!
If you have a root canal, cavitations, or periodontal (gum) disease, I
suggest the following supplements:
Chapter 21 – Root Canals Cancer – Step Outside the Box
ORAL GUARD – This is by far, the best single product on
the market to treat periodontal disease. With an impressive
and powerful list of ingredients like St. John’s Wort, CoQ-
10, folic acid, green tea extract, lipoic acid, and Vitamin K1,
ORAL GUARD is simply the most potent protection against
gum disease available. It can be purchased from the
following website: www.alternativedentalhealth.com.
DMSO – “DMSO, 25% in water (optional). Take one
teaspoon as a mouthwash, twice daily. Swish slowly over
gums. Hold several minutes. Swallow for maximum
effectiveness. This “pushes” your supplements into your
tissues. It also helps to draw toxins out of cavitations. You
may add wintergreen drops to the mouthwash. 50% DMSO
is preferred, if available. Must be medical grade DMSO.”
(taken from Cure for All Advanced Cancer, page 198). BE
SURE to read the “Overnight Cure for Cancer” (chapter 9)
to see the cautions about DMSO.
Co Q10 – This supplement exerts its protective and
strengthening action in all tissues. Working from the cellular
level, it strengthens the gums as well as the heart muscle.
Many scientists believe that periodontal disease is a good
indicator of low levels of CoQ10 in other tissues.
Vitamin C – I read of a fellow that lives in Waco, Texas
who had periodontal disease. He took 15,000 mg of vitamin
C each day (5,000 mg with each meal) and his periodontal
disease literally disappeared!
The bottom line is that cancer treatments may still fail if a patient
continues to harbor infection in his/her mouth. The infection that
has chronically compromised the immune system may come from
from root canals as discussed above, but also from infected teeth,
cavitations, and periodontal (gum) disease. It is crucial for the cancer
patient to be diligent to treat potential infections arising from the
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